I brought everything back to my base camp and set the meat on the fire to let it cook for a bit - meanwhile I used to hide to make a tent and a sleeping bag. That's when the snow picked up again. 

I sat in my tent, holding my hands out towards the fire keeping them warm. I was saying much, only thinking about what was going to be next in this new chapter of my life, what happens if I meet other's here on this island? Will they be friendly, or will they try to attack? It wasn't that I was worried, which I wasn't at all about that, it was just a thought that I tended to wonder about. I knew there was a low chance other survivors were here, but something deep down told me otherwise, like my gut was telling me there were other survivors here on this island. Another thing I thought about in that moment was how I was supposed to get home. How would I get off this island and get back to Maryland? 

My mom was probably worried sick about me, and my dad? I don't really think he cares that I'm gone. My dad hasn't always been around, ever since my sister died, he left without saying goodbye. It's just been me, my mom, and our dog, Draka. The more I thought about my life back home, I started to miss it. The warm smell of honey every time my mom would make coffee in the morning, the loud howls of Draka every time we would go for a walk, the sounds of cars racing by our house. Even the tiniest of things made me miss my home. 

That's when a twig snapped around me, making me jump out of my thoughts and instinctively grabbed my spear. I scanned the area for any signs of danger, but when I heard footsteps, I then saw the silhouette of a wolf. 

Once again, I was surrounded by the pack of wolves, but this time, I wasn't going to run away. One tried to attack, but I swiped at it using my spear. One wolf stayed away, circling me as the other wolves attacked.

Another wolf, this time a dark furred wolf, tried to go for my legs; I backed away slamming the end of my spear into his back making him whimper.

The next wolf decided to attack, jumping on top of me and pushing me to the ground while biting my spear. I struggled to keep him off me. I put my feet underneath the wolf and pushed it off of me and into the snow behind me; it yelped and wined. The snow above started to fall as the mountain started to shake. "Avalanche!" I yelled just when the snow started falling down the mountain.

As the snow fell, it cracked open the ground beneath me and the wolf and fell down into an underground cavern. I dug myself out of the snow, shaking my white hair of the snow and ice.

I heard a howl which made me jump, but immediately softened when I saw the wolf on another part of the cavern with a hurt leg. At first I didn't care,'Cause why should I? It just tried to eat me not even two minutes ago. So I turned my back to it and started walking away. It started to howl even louder as I walked further into the cavern. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Ugh, fine! You win!" I sighed and turned on my heel to aid the wolf. "You owe me for this," I said plainly pointing at her. She looked at me with a pained expression. "Alright, let's get your leg fixed." I stated looking about the cavern for anything I could use for a splint. I saw a few bushes scattered about along with some wood from my tent that fell down with me. I used the wood and the fiber to make a splint for her leg, which enabled her to stand.

I had a fear that she might attack, but that wasn't the case at all. Instead, she jumped on top of me and licked my face. I laughed as I was pinned to the oversized wolf. "Okay, okay! I get it, your welcome!" I let out in a chuckle. Shd let me up excitedly. "You know, you remind me of a dog I had back where I used to live. Her name was Draka." I told her, she stuck her tongue out as all dogs do.

"I suppose I should give you a name," I stated. I flipped through all the names but could find the right one, then I looked at her for an inspiration for a name. I then noticed her sapphire eyes as the flower in the small light within then cavern. "How about, Sapphire?" I asked and she stood back on her hind legs as if he was saying "yes". "All right then, Sapphire it is." I declared.

I found more wood and a few rocks about the cavern to make a new campfire. I sat down next to the fire and Sapphire laid on my lap, the splint helping her to walk around till her leg heals. I patted her back and she made a purr kind of noise.

"I guess this is my new life now. I'm glad I'm not completely alone, huh girl?" I said looking down at her, giving her a small smile. She lifted her head and looked at me with a happy dog-like face then laid her head back down. I looked back towards the fire watching the flames dance and kept us warm. I slowly closed my eyes, sleep coming to me.

Finally, my eyes fully closed and now I was fast asleep in this new world.

Hey! Author here. This chapter was for my friend's character. Go check him out, he's coming into the final stages of his book. @TimothyDean6 go follow him, he's been super supportive in my past ARK book on my other acc, and I think you guys will enjoy him.

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