Chapter Seven

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Rex p.o.v

I covered up my face with the fur hood shielding my face from the sheer cold and the falling snow. My feet kept sinking down into the snow, the cold, white prouder falling underneath my feet just as I stepped on it.
"It's so cold," I rubbed my arms to warm them up.
I wish I was standing next to a warm fire." I breathed. Still, I pushed on, trekking through the dense snow struggling to keep warm. At first, I thought I wouldn't make it, until I saw a beacon of hope, a fire within a cabin.
"No way! A cabin! I exclaimed. I moved closer towards the cabin, soon stepping right onto the front lawn. I twisted the doorknob, hearing a click as the door creaked open with a squeal. My foot pressed against the the wooden floor as I made my way into the house. I noticed there was an upstairs room and a door right under them. I sneaked my way towards the wooden door, unsure what lied behind it. As I turned the knob, I swung the door wide open revealing nothing other than cleaning supplies.
"Huh?" I backed away from the room confused. I heard something jump behind me but when I turned around it was too late. A spear smacked the back of my head, knocking me to the floor. I heard a growl and was pinned to the floor by a large wolf, bearing its teeth at me.
"Who are you?" I questioned the person.
"Who am I? Who are you!? This is my house!" The person said above me.
"Oh," I realized he was right.
"Sorry, I'm Rex," I introduced myself, however he was hesitant in answering me.
"I'm Joseph." He informed, telling his wolf to get off me and holding a handout to me. I took it gladly and he propped me right up on my feet. I rubbed the back of my head as a sore spot swelled up where we wacked me with his spear.
"Wow, you have a great arm," I complimented, he turned around and gave me a half glare.

"Yeah, and I can do give you another hit on the back of the head if you step out of line." He threatened, deadpanning this time. I felt the world stop and heart start racing with fear. "I, uh-" I started to panic, but he then let out a chuckle.
"Don't worry, you knucklehead. I'm not gonna do anything." He said in a joking manner this time.
"O- kay," I said, heart still beating faster while I tried to calm down. He whistles to his wolf to him and kneeled down to its level.
"You need something to eat, girl? I have some more Penguin meat if you want it?" Joseph offered, the wolf became excited and stood on its hind legs, sticking its tongue out wanting some food. Joseph pet it's back and went into a kitchen-like area and looked in a preserving bin, grabbing a large piece of meat for the wolf and returning, dropping the piece of meat into the bowl for the wolf to eat.
"Here you go girl," he said.
"What's -uh, er-" I tried asking. He looked at me.
"Her name is Sapphire." He said putting emphasis on the 'her'. I nodded and sat in a chair and watched her eat. Just looking at the meat made me hungry, and it was apparent from the sound my stomach made.

"You need anything to eat? I have some leftover Mammoth steak if you want some, I can make it for you." He offered looking at me. I was left in contemplation.
"Mammoth and steak: two words I never would've thought I'd hear in the same sentence." I breathed. He chuckled and left to the kitchen again to prepare the meal. I was a bit hungry, so I was left thinking about the mammoth steak, which in my mind was massive. The pleasant aroma of meat sizzling on a campfire drifting through my nose and made me even more hungry than I already was. It also made me more eager to eat the massive piece of meat along with carrots and lettuce and topped with onions and garlic that had been set before me on the table. I couldn't help but stare in awe at the beautiful steak prepared specifically for me, like, a child staring at a tasty piece of cake. I could smell the fragrance of freshly prepared meat and couldn't wait any longer to eat it. I took one bite and immediately wanted to dig my face into the wonderful tasting meal.
"It's really good," I thanked Joseph while taking more bites and washing it down with water that he had given me.
"No problem, think of it as an apology for hitting you on the back with a spear." He responded with a small but noticeable smile.
"Well, I did walk into your home unannounced, so I kind of deserved it, but thanks anyway." I told him finishing my food.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 19 ⏰

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