"What, but I love this jacket, it's my favourite one".

"I know but it's a bit small, tell you what, you look for one you like and if you come up with a better idea I am more than happy to listen".

"Thanks Mon your the best". I said as I stood up and kissed her lightly on the forehead. I grabbed the dog lead out of the cupboard and clicked Yogi's collar around is neck. "Come on boy lets go". I stepped out the back door and headed down the road that led into town. Normally I would go for a walk and then go to Ruby's caffè but today I needed an ice cream so I went straight to Ruby's caffè. When I walked through the door the bell chimed and Ruby looked up from behind the counter. "Oh hey Emma, your early".

"I know, sorry I just felt like and ice cream".

"Sure what flavour?"

"Have any bubblegum and raspberry".

"Sure coming right up".

"Thanks". I took a seat at the counter while she got my ice cream from in the window. She handed me a bowl of bubblegum and raspberry ice cream top of with vanilla source and sugar-paper. I went to slide my money over the counter to her, but someone beat me too it. "I will pay for that". A low voice said from behind me. I didn't recognise the voice but I looked at Ruby and her smile stretched from one eye to the other. I turned to see a tall boy who looked about 19 smiling at me. He had bright green eyes, very pale skin and jet black longish wavy hair. "Hi I'm sorry that was very forward of me, but you very pretty, I'm Toby Edwards Nightingale".

"Hi, it's okay I suppose it's not often that tall dark and handsome strangers bye me anything, I'm Emma, Emma Rose Swan, it's nice to meet you".

"Be careful there Emma he's trouble this one".

"Thanks Ruby your a grate help".

"Your welcome any time Toby". He turned back to me. "Don't listen to her she is such a liar, that's how she roped my brother in".

"Oh now I get it".

"And who's this little fellow?"

"This is Yogi, Yogi come here boy". He turned and seemed to look Toby straight in the eyes, he backed away while sniffing the air. "Strange he normally loves people".

"It's okay I probably just smell new or something".

"So Toby I have never seen you around before".

"Yes I'm staying with my brother for a while longer than I normally do, so I though I would get out and make a few friends".

"Just friends eh". I smiled a devilish smile.

"Just friends". He winked at me. Ruby came over and place a cup of coffee, with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top in front of Toby. I looked at him and then at his coffee. "Haha what its good". I gave him a your very strange look and he smiled again. "So Emma tell me a bit about your self". I looked at him. "Sorry I'm being forward again, aren't I?"

"No it's fine I like forward" He smiled. "Well I will be seventeen in a week, my favourite colours are red and plum, my favourite food is muscles and I love a good English breakfast, my favourite movie has to be Hansel and Gretel the Witch Hunters, and as you can see I really love Ruby's ice cream. What about you Mr tall dark and handsome stranger?"

Emma EnchantedWhere stories live. Discover now