Daniel Sordo

31 1 0

Dani and I have been dating for about a year now and recently we came to the decision that it was time to make our relationship public.

With him being quite famous I thought I was prepared for all the hate I was going to get. And oh how wrong I was...

Dani is 40 and I just recently turned 25. let's just say when we made our relationship public with a instagram post and when people found who and how old I was they were not best pleased.

Every other comment I received on my posts were about my relationship and our age gap, people calling me a gold digger and the media...

The media were having the time if their lives. Reporting on everything I did, said and posted.

As I said with Dani being quite famous he was used to all this hate and what not. But for me it was completely different.

I had never been in the spotlight before, not this way anyway.


"Hey Dani, can we talk for a moment?" I say walking into our bedroom where he was sitting.
"Yeah for sure! What's up?" He turns to me.

"I think we should break up," I mutter. "WHAT? Why? Did I do something? What happened? " Dani asks.

"It's not you Dani, I just don't think im cut out for all this "being in the spotlight" thing. Its too much for me and with all the hate I'm getting, I feel like I can't cope," I tell him.

"Well we will figure it out then!" He says. "I love you and if you don't feel comfortable with our relationship being public then we'll keep it private," he explains.

"OK... I guess that could work," I say. "And you know you can always talk to me. I didn't know you were getting that much hate," Dani tells me.

"Alright then," I say leaning in to kiss him which he happily accepts.

A/N: Do you ever just randomly remember how much stuff you have to do and then get so overwhelmed and end up not doing anything for the whole day? Or is it just me?🫣

WRC imagines (x-reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant