Kalle Rovanperä

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"He's gonna win the powerstage as well," laughed the interviewer. Harri nodded and I chuckled. Kalle was about to become the 2023 world champion here in Japan! Harri his dad, me and his mum were all waiting for him at the end of the power stage.

I was just standing there in normal clothes, having DNF-d earlier in the day I had no reason being in my driving suit the whole rest of the day.

"You can hear him already," said the interviewer. Soon enough Kalle crossed the finish line. He and Jonne claimed out of the car and on to the roof. They sprayed a bottle of champagne and then jumped back down. But instead of running straight to his parents Kalle came over to me instead. He pulled me into a hug and I just melted.

It was bittersweet yk. For the first time in my WRC career I was in the championship fight. If I hadn't DNF-d earlier the day I could've been the 2023 worldchampion instead but I was happy for Kalle, he deserved it!

When I snapped out of the thoughts I swear I could feel him crying into my shoulder. That was confirmed when he pulled back from the hug. I saw his teary eyes and almost cried myself.

Kalle finally went over to his parents and Jonne came over to me. I hugged him and congratulated on being a 2 time worldchampion. He thanked me and also walked over to Kalle's mum and dad.

Kalle walked over to the interviewer and gave a quick interview, then he walked back over to me and we started walking back to the garages.

When we got back we walked into his driver room. Kalle wanted to freshen up before the podium and I was just there to keep him company.

About 5 minutes later he was ready. I stood up ready to walk out when Kalle stopped me. He grabbed my hand and said:"Thank you." "For what?" I asked. "For being there and just supporting me this whole season, even tho we're supposed to be championship rivals," Kalle answered. "You're welcome!" I said with a hint of laughter in my voice.

Getting ready to walk out Kalle stopped me for the second time with pulling me into a kiss. I was surprised but didn't pull away. A second later he deepened the kiss and I didn't protest. When he pulled away he walked out of the driver room before I could get a word out.

I took a second to calm down and then also made my way over to the podium ceremony.
We cheered and clapped, soon the ceremony was over and the only thing on my mind was to get some answers from Kalle.

He got off the podium and started walking back over to his driver room. I followed him. When he got to his driver room and was about to close the door, I just about got my hand in between the door and kept it open.

I walked in determined to get some answers. "What was that?" I asked. "What was what?" Kalle asked. "Why did you kiss me?" I said. "Because I like you," Kalle half whispered. "Then why didn't you say anything?" I pondered. "I don't know," Kalle answered ,"I didn't think you'd like me back I guess." "Well I do, so what now?" I teased. "Hmm, let me think," Kalle smiled.

Next thing I knew Kalle pulled me back into a kiss. I could smell the champange on his suit and taste the slight taste of alcohol on his lips. I didn't mind tho.

AN: This is the longest imagine yet! It also took quite a while to write (like I managed to listen to the whole Evermore album(T.S of course!) while writing this).

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