Oliver Solberg

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*4/5 years ago*

Oliver and I have been dating since we were 14 and now its about to be my 18th birthday.


"One moment!" I yell while running to get the door. "Happy Birthday sötnos!" says Oliver who is standing at the door with a bouquet of the most beautiful roses I've ever seen.

"Aww thank you babe!" I say as I jump into his arms. "C'mon get dressed and meet me in the car. This day is all about you and making your birthday special," Oliver tells me.

I don't even hesitate. I find a nice vase for the roses and get dressed in a beautiful summer dress (or whatever you want but something light cause let's say your birthday is in the summer).

Oliver opens the door for me and we get in the car and drive off.

*2/3 years ago*

Can we talk when you get home? - I read the text from Oliver. I don't know why but I felt and uneasy feeling that didn't want to go away. I don't even know why, Oliver and I almost never fight and when one of us feels the need to talk we talk and resolve any problems before they could escalate.

"Hey I'm home," I say walking through our front door. As I was about to go looking for Oliver he steps out of the kitchen to meet me in the corridor.

"We need to talk," he says. I don't know if it's just me or am I feeling a slight tone of sadness in his voice. "Yeah what's up? Is everything OK?" I ask.

"I don't know how to tell you this," Oliver says lowering his head," hell, I don't even know where to start."
"Spit it out Oliver, you're worrying me," I tell him.

"I'm sorry, so sorry but I... I'm breaking up with you," he says almost whispering the last part. "What? NO, you can't be serious," I plead with him but for no effect. He has seemingly already made up his mind.

And just like that, with no explanation or reason Oliver broke up with me like the last 5 years meant nothing to him.


Last year I finally achieved my dream of driving in the WRC. Having worked towards this goal my entire life, makes it all the more special.

Though I share the seat for this season I still get to drive some amazing rallies. One of them being Secto Rally Finland. Which is actually this weekend!

But there's also something I may have forgotten to mention. This weekend I'm forced (?) to see my ex-boyfriend Oliver. Even if we had worked towards the same goal I never expected to have to be in the same team as him.

We had shared a seat till now so we wouldn't see each other but since Dani isn't available the team offered him to drive in Finland.

*first stage of the rally*

Oliver had just started the stage and I was waiting for the 3 minutes to tick down on the clock so that I could start.

Suddenly I hear sirens and see an ambulance drive onto the stage.
With a growing pit of fear in my stomach I ask the marshals what is happening.

To my horror it turns out that Oliver has had a pretty bad crash in one of the first corners.

Few minutes later we get the message that the stage has been canceled till further notice and because we were near the service we were asked to head back.

*at the service park*

I'm looking around hoping to see Oliver. I just need to know he's ok. Walking back into the hyundai garage I see Oliver go to his driver's room.

Without even thinking I run after him. As I barge into his driver room Oliver turns around.

"Oh God, tell me you're OK!" I look at him my voice laced with worry. "I'm fine. I can't believe how stupid I was," says Oliver holding his head in his hands.

Though hesitant I walk over to him and pull him into a hug. Even if the terms we left off on weren't the best I still loved and had so much respect for him. He hugs me back and we just stay that way for a bit.

Finally pulling away from the hug I place my thumb on his face to wipe a tear.

"I'm sorry, I have regretted my decision since the day I made it," Oliver apologizes to me. "I love you and I miss you and I'd do anything, anything to win you back!" he says.

"I love you too Oliver but you have to understand how much you hurt me," I mention.

"And I'll do anything to reverse that. Just please... let me prove to you that I can do that," he pleads.

"OK... one chance. I'm giving you one last chance," I tell Oliver.

Oh that smile... I've missed that smile.

A/N: I actually had some motivation to write today😄. So enjoy this very long and a little bit allover the place story.
Also I don't speak Swedish so I don't know if the petname I used at the start means the right thing (I used Google translate).

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