Pierre-Louis Loubet

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Backstory: You are an interviewer working for Dirtfish. You are the one doing Dirtfish team talk today.

"Good morning, Pierre-Louis," I say with a chipper voice. "Good morning," he answers in a slightly calmer tone. "So, first day of the rally! Last time you were here things didn't go that well. What's your and the teams aproch this time?" I asked. "Well, we'll try our best but the car had some problems during testing last week, but hopefully we got everything fixed and won't have any problems!" Pierre said. "Problems? Well that's not good to hear. As you said let's hope everything's fixed now! Any goals for the rally tho?" I asked. "To finish in one piece and without any retirements," Pierre laughs.

-time skip-

I finished the interviews and started packing my things up when Pierre approached me. "Hey! Everything good?" I asked. "Yeah, everything's good," Pierre said ,"I just wanted to ask you if you needed any help packing up?". "Help's always appreciated! " I say happily. "So, are you new? I haven't seen you around before," Pierre asks. "Not exactly. I have been working for Dirtfish for a little while now but have mostly been doing bts stuff, editing and what not," I explain.

We finish packing up and I thank Pierre for his help. "You're welcome! " he says. "Also I just wanted to ask you something," Pierre adds. "Go for it!" I say. "Would you go on a date, with me..?" Pierre asks almost whispering the last part.

"Yeah sure!" I say happily. "Well great let's plan something for tomorrow night?" he says back to his usual self. "Yep tomorrow works!" I say.

AN: Well that's done! Let me know of you guys want a p2. Also such a shame what happend to Pierre during Portugal. He deserved a podium or that p4 atleast! Such a shame really!

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