Back-NOT-in-time Machine

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When the time machine started it took her to where she wanted to go, well kind of. When it had stopped Peggy was unconscious.

Peggy POV

When I woke up, it was about noon and infront of a building that looked familiar.

I was expecting it to be Camp Leigh but it wasn't. It was the S.H.I.E.L.D base. That's strange, I thought to myself.

I walk inside to find Howard or Angie. Maybe Howard put the wrong time or date or something. When I got inside, it was a little different but it was definitely the same building.

I saw a young woman with redish brown hair brushing her shoulder. "Excuse me, could you tell me where I am," I asked.

"Uh, what's your name and how did you get here, first," she said concerned.

"My name is Peggy Carter, and I got here through a time machine," I explained.

"Like the Peggy Carter? Co-founder of S.H.I.E.L.D?" she asked stunned.

"Yes ma'am,"

"Well, I'm Gemma Simmons and your at your SHIELD base."

"I knew it looked familiar," I muttered. "What year," I asked again.

"2015, what did you come here for?" she asked.

"Well, I was trying to go from 1950 to 1945, to try and save Steve," I explained agian.

"Steve Rogers?" she asks.

"Yes, he crashed a plane into the ocean to save New York," I said swallowing my tears at his bravery and sacrifice.

"Well," she set down the gadget she had, "Follow me,"

I hesitated but followed her down a hallway. I knew we are going, to my office. We walk in the door and see a nice looking man with his arm in a sling.

"Excuse me Coulson, but we have a visitor," she steps out from infront of me.

His eyes got wider as he saw me, "Peggy Carter," he sticks his hand out for me to shake. I shake his hand, "it's an honor to meet you," I smile and tell him the pleasure is mine. "She's looking for Steve Rogers, sir," Gemma says very politely.

"Ah, well your in luck," he says as he picks up a small, black, rectangular object.

"He's still alive?" I asked, once again holding back the tears.

"Yeah, we found him on ice about three years ago, if you'll excuse me I'll make a call and see if we can meet him somewhere," he leaves the room leaving me stunned, happy and a bunch of mixed emotions and Agent Simmons.

"Would you like to meet the rest of our team," she asked breaking the silence.

"I'd love to." We get up and go meet the rest of their team. "This place hasn't changed much," I say, looking around at all the familiar things.

I hope you guys like it!
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Agent Jones

Edited: February 12, 2016

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