This Is Where We Part and We Meet

Start bij het begin

"Fro!? I- " I stop myself to rub my head to see her completely not needing to put a towel around herself and make such a mess of things

"Fro - no one could see you...come in you're all wet! Did you jump on the ocean!?" I lecture her, but she wasn't really wet or at all... she just does things at times that make her feel like a real person.

After a few minutes, I then see her lay on my bed, but disappearing with her time limit up.

A knock on my door was heard

"Uhm, it's Blake...April...?" I hear Blake

"Who's April? Wasn't that - OW!" I open to also see Sun

I honestly did not expect visitors...

"Please come in... I'll also heat you two some coffee." I say as Sun closes the door from behind and looks at me

"Been a while! You know - uh after the school broke down..." Sun says, and I smile, offering him his coffee of choosing

"It's nice to see familiar faces, but yes. To not cause much of scenes the professors gave me a new identity..." I tell him as Blake points at my bed

"Oh! Fro manners- oh...she just disappeared, you can sit on my bed." I tell her as I just had witnessed Fro escape my teachings of morals

"About that...Fro what you called her....? Was that the Frog like black creature we saw broadcasted.?" Blake asked but sat down

"Right...that broadcast...Fro, for reasons I can not tell you she is simply overprotective of me. Concepts such as death and life didn't process to her all that much... but I believe that she had developed her own self-control, so that assures me a little bit..." I say then I looked at them

"It was indeed true that I- we caused all of those deaths out from our control. Fro may be a different entity, but we are still one in a sense... But please know that I'm not saying this to be our excuse, for whatever it meant... my journey to Mistral will be our atonement...and we're willing to do more for what we've done..." I push a more energy to have them see Fro

"That's...that's assuring to hear..." Blake says and I turn to her

"After what happened to you and Yang, you just... disappeared without a word, I can't even say that you should stop... When that is what exactly I did..." Blake says and I smile

"Well...Sun found you, What are you two planning on doing now?" I ask them

" Blake's goin home! And eh. Just figured I'd hang around yknow! I actually thought she'd run into a one revenge trip against the White Fang!" Sun says and I nod

"It's rare to have someone chase you in the sea because they are worried about you...You're a good friend Sun- ! Or! Or am I wrong!?" I stop myself turning on both Sun and Blake

"NO! You got it all wrong!" Blake shakes her hands and me and Sun nodded frantically

I then laugh

"Well you both are really really good friends..." I smile


I smile back at the two waving them goodbye as the ship continues to ship away for its ports,

Seeing the journey ahead of me through a map, I think back to how surreal this would be for Maki to even dream of with how much we're piled with works from school.

"Come on Loisel....atleast make up your mind for once..." I speak to myself looking up the sky

Sometimes I tell myself that it's too soon for me to be thinking about home,

But a part of me just wishes for all of these problems to just end.

I walk out through the exits of the port and to the train that will bring me to my stops then at Haven.

"Watashitachi no densha ga sekaijū de onajidattara... (If only our trains were the same universally..." I mutter to myself but I stop turning to a boy

"Oh! I'm sorry...please don't mind my muttering if it bothered you." I try to laugh it off

Couldn't also help to see that he had trouble on his ticketing.

"Here." I sweat seeing a tall muscular man lift his arm then I quickly aimed my weapon but stopped to see him slam the machine to have a ticket out.

"Never let anything stand in your path..." He tells the boy and he looks at me as I raise my hand and lower my weapon

"I apologize for aiming my weapon at you sir...I misunderstood the situation... Please! Tell me anything and I'm sure I can help you decide on how I'm to make up for it." I Tell him but he just looks at me

At an awkwardly long long minute....

That the train had arrived...

"Come now big sister! We shouldn't make grandmother wait!" The boy suddenly says and pulled me inside the train

"H-huh!? W-wait!? Wait a minute!" I say but the boy insisted that I sit down

I apologetically looked outside to the man but sweat when he gave me a stare that just made my gut turn.

"I'm sorry Miss Loisel...but that man...isn't someone you should be doing favors for..." I hear the boy say and nod

"Maybe you're ri- WAIT-! HUH!???!" I get up from my seat and look at the boy with his eyes oddly glowing

That he began to laugh

Just who is this kid and how does he know my name!?

"I figured you would have already known without an explanation, but the brothers must be looking down at us to have us first meet." He says but I was still not buying it for the sake to not make a mistake


"I am Headmaster Ozpin."

"COULDN'T YOU HAVE SAID THAT FIRST!?" I look at him but something weird happened like the shine on his eyes disappeared

Is this how his reincarnation work?

I thought he'd be on a body of sorts that would look like him.

"U-uhhm.... I'm Oscar....hi...." The boy says and I raise a brow

I've never seen the Headmaster act as if he had a second personality of the original body...

Does that mean this boy Oscar would disappear as time goes on?

"I may be a different name from what he says, but for the sake of your safety and mine. Call me April Peach... I supposed you are headed to Haven Academy yes?" I ask him and try not to think of my theory

"Yes..but, how did you know? And...are you really? Like you can't?" He seemed hesitant and nod

"I believe I can tell you more of myself once we meet Havens Headmaster, it's nice to be working with you Oscar." I say

"Wait.... What? I still don't get it- uhg I don't get anything..." he holds his head and sulks as I pat his back

A World Where Im Not Hunted? {Ajin/RWBY Fanfiction}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu