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As the sun peeked through the gaps in my room darkening curtains, I could hear someone walking down to my room before they knocked, "Oh princess, it's your royal debut." Dylan said in probably the worst British accent ever. Instead of answering I rolled over and covered my head with a pillow. Maybe if I pretended that I was sick I wouldn't have to go and I could wait at John B's for the boys to show back up today.

"Lou, your mom's here."

Or not.

I didn't even get another 5 minutes worth of sleep. Just maybe a quick 5 seconds and I had to get up. The day was already madness, and it was only 11. The party didn't start until 2, I'm not seeing the rush about it. Either way I still got up. The one thing I didn't need this weekend was a fight between my parents. I had endured enough of them in the last almost 17 years, I didn't need another one.

I opened the door ever so slightly and said, "I'll be out in a minute." Before closing it again. Somehow in the last 24 hours, I had lost the bag that I brought with me that had all my normal people clothes in it. So, my minute turned into 10 as I ripped apart my room only to find it hanging up on the side of my dresser. I opted on something comfy to get ready in instead of my regular jean shorts and crop top. Either way my mother would find something to say about whatever I wore so it was never a win on my part.

"Ah, the beast is awake." Dylan joked as I made my way into the kitchen. He was standing by the toaster but was too slow to grab his waffles as they came up and they ended up in my hands.

"Oh, you made breakfast for me. How sweet." I gave a sarcastic smile as I went over to hug my dad. "I'll see you guys sometime tonight."

"Oh don't dance the night away with Rafe or Topper."

I made a fake gagging noise as I looked over to my brother, "Oh you wish."

"It would give me a reason to beat their ass." We both shrugged knowing he didn't really need a reason.

I walked out the door and closed the screen behind me so I could yell back to them, "Alright, love you guys!"

My mother had apparently been dropped off because she was leaning against the car we brought from Charleston with an annoyed look on her face. I figured I had pissed her off, so it seemed better if I didn't say anything at all. When we made it back to Figure Eight, we made a left onto the Carrera's street and I knew we were heading there.

When we got there, I heard the back end of conversation between Kie and her mom, something about her not wanting to go. It was a typical conversation that I imagined they had about a lot of the functions the Island Club put on. I felt the same way when I used to be forced to go. My mom's constant pressure to keep up with everyone else made me feel like the membership was part of my inheritance or something. I thought when we left, I wouldn't have to worry about things like this anymore, but apparently that was another thing I was wrong about.

"Katie, Laney! I'm glad you guys are here." Anna said with a smile as she stood in the open doorway. I smiled back and grabbed my stuff from my mom, "Kiara's in her room getting ready. You can go and get ready with her." I nodded and walked down to Kie's room, knocking before entering.

She let out a sigh of relief when she saw me, "Thank God you're going to this thing. I don't think I would survive without you." I laughed feeling the same way. I carefully laid out my dress next to hers and started getting ready. My hair didn't need much done to it except for pulling back the front pieces. It was naturally wavy so if I let it air dry, like I did last night, it came out nicely.

"Is this your dress?" Kie asked me once she came back from fixing her hair. I couldn't tell if she was judging my dress choice or commending it. She never had a set tone for anything.

𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 [𝐣𝐣 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤]Where stories live. Discover now