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The next morning:

Gyuvin's pov:

I was walking into the campus to see Y/n already practicing.

She usually doesn't practice in the morning, why is she practicing now? That's fucking weird...

I walk into the classroom to see a package on Y/n's desk, what was that for?

I go to sit down on my seat which was next to Y/n's and see a shirt with the number 07 and her surname on it.


It was a beautiful blue, kinda like sky blue?

It seemed like a jersey, I'm guessing it's an uniform? It seemed like the material that my basketball uniform was made from.

I shouldn't be that nosy right? Right...? Fuck it- it shouldn't be that bad if I just take a look.

I grab the package and flipped it around. It wrote the number 07 just like the back, but this time instead of our school's name, it was her surname.


As I was taking a look, Y/n enters the classroom.

Y/n's pov:

You were entering the classroom to get something when you see Gyuvin holding something.

"Hey what are you looking at?" You ask. Gyuvin all the sudden puts the package down.

"Hey I swear I didn't do anything to it okay? But it's your package." Gyuvin said.

"My package? Is it my uniform?!" You said. "Possibly. There's a player number, your surname and our school name so I expect it to be." Gyuvin says.

You run up to the table to take a look of the new volleyball uniform you're going to be wearing for today's competition and for other inter school competitions.

"WAAAA IT LOOKS SO GOOD!" You said as your eyes start widening from excitement.

"What is it for?" Gyuvin asks. "It's my volleyball uniform for my inter school competitions this year, our first competition is today~" You say.

You were very excited for this season, you've been on the volleyball team for years and you were finally in the same team as the seniors.

"Oh, cool." Gyuvin said. Well that was plain.

"I know it is, most of our schoolmates are coming to the match." You said happily, knowing so many people supports you makes you so happy.

You thought about inviting him... but it wouldn't be a big deal inviting your enemy right-.....?

"You wanna come? It'll be an interesting match, we're against one of the top ten best volleyball teams today, that's why everyone's going." You said, finally giving it a try.

"Uh- sure...? Where and what time?" Gyuvin says. You didn't expect him to say yes-

"Just look for the poster in the corridor, all the details are on there." You said.

"Okay- thanks for the invite I guess..." He said. He never expected that invite but he thought it would be interesting to see how good she is, as there were a lot of people saying how you were the ace of volleyball at Hanlim.

Time skip...

Your team was just finished with warming up and stretching, everyone then starts training their balance and spiking.

It was your first year being the captain of the school volleyball team after your old captain has graduated, so you were kind of scared failing your teammates and your school.

But your nerves calmed down when your coach gathered all of you.

"Okay girls, you got this and don't get nervous. Sweat it off. Fighting!" Our coach says.

"FIGHTING!!!" Our team says. It was our thing to hype each other up before a match, that's why we've won many!

We prepare to walk on to the court as the referee blows the whistle. I take a deep breath and walk on to the court.

Gyuvin's pov:

I arrive at the stadium and enter the audience. The crowd was crazy- there are lots of people who want to watch this competition huh...

I sat down on the bleachers near the court as the referee blows the whistle.

The game starts. Our schoolmate, Xiaoting, starts the game with a big hit. The other school's team slides over to the ball and saves it.

As their saving works, the setter sets the ball and the spiker spiked the volleyball with force. Thankfully, Y/n and Haewon blocks and gets a point for our school.

"YES!!" The team shouts as the stadium sores with screams and shouts from the audience.

Time skip...

The match was ended in a flash, leaving the other school in the dust, Hanlim won.

It was expected though, our volleyball team is one of the strongest in the country.

I walked down the stairs and reached the end of the stairs.

I wanted to congratulate the team for the hard work, but it didn't seem too right to congratulate... your enemy?

Anyways, I still did it. It was an act of respect- I mean- I gotta do it.

"Hey uhm- congratulations girls. That was a good game, keep up the good work and let's win the next game too." I said as I walked up to the team.

"Oh, didn't expect you to actually come... well, since you're here, want to join us to have a meal? My treat today after the winning match." Y/n said.

"Oh uh... okay? I guess I could have a meal." I said, I didn't mind eating a meal with the girls volleyball team but with my enemy and her paying? I hesitated on that but come on, it was a free meal.

"Okay guys let's do the school cheer, in 3... 2... 1..." Haewon told us.

"H. A. N. L. I. M. WE ARE... HANLIM!" The girls shouted the cheer and the crowd gave a round of applause.

"COACH! WE'RE HAVING AN EXTRA STUDENT TODAY AT DINNER!" Y/n shouted out to a woman which seems to be their teach coach.

"Oh hi! Please, join us for dinner, we all wouldn't mind." The coach said welcoming me.

"Oh sure. Thanks for paying Y/n." I said.

Damn I never thought I would thank my enemy for paying for my dinner in my life.

Academic rivals ~ Kim Gyuvin  (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now