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Time skip

It was almost the end of our 4th class, which means it's lunch time. For god's sake you were excited to see your best friends again.

You had such bad luck this year, they were only in 2 classes that you were in together through out the year, you had to suffer alone. Suffer a lot more than the pass few years 100%.

Kim Gyuvin was in more than half your lessons, you guys have complained about each other more than 15 times already through out the 5 hours.

"Can anyone answer this question for me?" Mr Choi said. You raise your hand and look around the class to see the only other person raising up their hand, Kim Gyuvin.

Oh for fuck's sake, is it possible for you to have a break? It's always him and you. This school is one of the top schools in Korea, why is no one ever raising their hands besides this bitch next to you.

"The top students raise their hands again. Y/n, how about you answer?" Mr Choi says. "The answer is 78 sir." You said. You actually did that question 15 minutes ago. You were the type of person to finish the whole page when the teacher only taught a few questions.

"Correct again! Thank you Y/n." Mr Choi says while Gyuvin, who is next to me rolls his eyes. "She's not that good it's just one fucking question." He muttered, even though it was loud enough for you to hear.

"Excuse me? You're not the only top student here. Stop acting like you're the smartest here bitch." You said, offended. "So what? It's fr just a question. Doesn't mean you're smart as fuck." Gyuvin said.

"Well how do you think I'm tied with you huh? Ready to cry about how you're going to get second in rankings this year?" You said pissed. How can this bitch never shut up? "Fuck to the no. As if Shen Y/n. How about you get ready to cry the fuck out of yourself?" Gyuvin argues back.

"That's it you two. This on the first day?" Mr Choi said. You both shut up and face Mr Choi and stand up. "I'm sorry Mr Choi he/she was being a bitch." We both said at the same time. We rolled our eyes annoyed. "Sit back down and keep quiet."

Lunch time

It was finally lunch time. Thank fucking god you won't have to face that bitch Kim Gyuvin for the next hour. Well, it was too short, but you suppose it was better than nothing right?

You walk out of the classroom to see Ricky waiting for you. "Hey sis, how's school so far?" Ricky chuckles, seeing Gyuvin walking pass them. "Oh shut up it's fucking hell. We argued at least 15 times already. We argued just 3 minutes ago." You complained.

Your brother was talkative but definitely not as talkative as you. So he's usually the listener who listens to your problems and talks to you about them.

"Well good luck to you. We have English and history class together later right? At least you'll have me with you in those lessons. I heard he has more than half of his classes with you and English and history are two of them." Ricky said.

Yes, in our school, our classes have a few grades mixed together in a class. It's interesting to be honest, you get to meet students older or younger than you.

"Oh god don't even remind me. I'm glad you're in those with me." You said. "Okay okay let's stop complaining and go eat okay? They're waiting for us." Ricky said. "Mhm let's go, gosh I'm starving." You said, walking to the cafeteria while Ricky laughed and followed.

Academic rivals ~ Kim Gyuvin  (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now