HAPPY HALLOWEEN 🦇 🎃 Blooper 41

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River: The skeletons are gonna come out!

Wyatt: and the spooky ghost and demons

And of course the adorable little trick or treaters all dressed up in there little customs

Ryan: you gonna go trick or treating

Nope, I have a date with a current channel -takes a piece of candy-

River: -looks at me confused- who?

Wyatt: -faceplams-

Ryan: even I knew this one

River: Oh! Us. Fucken finally Kay

To be far, I was busy, plus trying to keep warm. If you are going trick or treating, please be safe, don't scare little kids for their candy

River: I mean you could

Ryan: it would be funny

No don't scare them

*eating candy,watching ryan*

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*eating candy,watching ryan*

River,Wyatt: -watching me,looks at ryan-

River: why are you starring at Ryan?

-looks at him,looks back at ryan- an idea popped with him

Wyatt: his story or new?


River: oh no

Yeah this, New one with ryan maybe 18+ when it comes out

Ryan: -comes and sits down- what's going on?

Nothing -pats his head-

Also, I won't be doing a Halloween special in ryans, since it's already spooky it self

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Also, I won't be doing a Halloween special in ryans, since it's already spooky it self. But I will mention a spooky night that you and the guys had

Ryan: with no drinking

Hey your getting it!

River: -chuckles-

Wyatt: -chuckles-

Bloopers with Twin Paranormal and KayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora