🤍SHES BACK!!! 🤍 blooper #29

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Twin Paranormal: KAY!!!

*Laughs,realizes* wa- *gets dog piled*

Ryan: that could of gone better

River,I: ya think?

Wyatt: -chuckles- but welcome back Kay

Thanks guys -smiles-

River: -stands up amd helps the us up-

River: -stands up amd helps the us up-

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

River: how was the two week break?

Really nice, and I'm extremely grateful that spooky gang/ ghost gang understood where I was coming from, but I also felt bad for not posting any chapters and leaving them guessing what was gonna happen in both stories.

Ryan: you're health comes first, the reader understands

River,wyatt: yeah

I know, I know

Wyatt: but anything you wanna tell the reader?

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

Wyatt: but anything you wanna tell the reader?

Oh there's a lot

River: can we fit it all in this segment?

-puffs cheeks- I don't know

Ryan; well what are you gonna hit us with today?

I have no idea, but I do have an idea

Ryan: what is it?

You can't know -kicks his chair out of the room-

Ryan: hey! -door shuts on him-

Ryan: can we know?

Yes, cause you two already know that reader has a massive crush on Ryan

Wyatt: yeah, riv and I are detectives

And you're flirting with Reader too, plus I may have some things up my sleeves. Some special guest, some plot twist. -shrugs- I won't say anymore

River: Ooo, but what's the idea?

Bloopers with Twin Paranormal and KayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora