blooper #6

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-muffles screams in single-

Wyatt: -looks while eating chips-

Ryan,River: -also looks over-

Ryan: -looks back- you'll find out soon enough

Wyatt: yeah

-jumps in and let's confetti off-

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-jumps in and let's confetti off-

Ryan,River: -jumps and looks-

Congratulations River your story made it too 3K reads

Wyatt: -jumps in and let's his confetti off- and Congratulations to you Ryan for making it too 500+ reads anything you would like to say?

Ryan: -looks- thanks for reading and I'm glad your enjoying your adventure with me -smiles-

Riv? Any you like to say?

River: yeah what Ryan said, and we can thank are author for giving us such a hard time and some twist and turns in each of books

No problem

Ryan: and Wyatt thanks for being friends and finding them in both stories

Wyatt: no problem, at least I'm not the only that has to deal with you fucks

-snickers- the reader does leave soon in Rivers chapter

Wyatt: shit

Ryan,river: -chuckles-

-singing- Five, four, three, two, one

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-singing- Five, four, three, two, one. we're going on a trip in are famous -thinks-  twin paranormal Mobile little ghost gang!

River: -chuckles- that's the introduction from now on

Ryan: -chuckles-

-laughs- it's to early for this guys -sits down-

-laughs- it's to early for this guys -sits down-

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Ryan: are you done being weird?

That's like telling/ asking River, no more taco bell. And to answer your question, I don't know if I am

Serious question though, and thinks of this as a real life situation

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Serious question though, and thinks of this as a real life situation. But if you and all your friends went out and went drinking, hope your drinking responsible. Anyways, you're out having a good time, you have a few drinks, but your friends are like hammered okay, so you go and help your roommate to the car. Ya get home and you take one too bed and you get his pjs out, then wish him goodnight. But! Before you get to the door, he Plants a kiss on your lips, of course you shove him off, cause one he's drunk and two he has a girlfriend.

What do you do? Do you tell him or the girlfriend. Or do you just keep it locked up inside and pray that they don't find out. Anyways that's all, have a great day spooky gang -waves-

*Edit: this is for one of the boys stories, not gonna say who it is though. You'll just have to wait and see

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