They're dating?

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“I'm sorry about yesterday”

I didn't think the apology was necessary, it seemed like he told me to leave for an important reason. Even if I was really curious about what it was, it seemed personal but yet here King was apologizing.

I looked around the class, most students had already left for break and the few that were still here weren't paying any attention to us.

He hadn't said anything to me throughout today but that was normal even if I was sitting right beside him. He minded his business and I minded mine. Since we never really talk it made this moment kinda awkward.

“Um... it's alright I guess” I said shrugging. His shoulders fell as he let out a sigh of relief.

“So if you're free today you can come over so we can work on the project” he suggested, his voice deep and calm.

The project was due in a few days so I guess I couldn't really say no.

“Ok” I said shrugging again, he sat back in his chair relaxing. I took my purse and my phone and got up ready to go meet Precious and Chioma, but as I stood King quickly stood up too and turned to me.

“Do you want to have lunch with me?” he rushed, startling me.


“Um... I-”

“Funke!” Called someone, cutting me off.

I looked for who called my name only to find Chioma at my class door waiting for me.

“I have to go” I say quickly excusing myself and moving to meet Chioma. She came at the right time, I don't know what I would have said if she didn't come, it might have ended a lot more awkward.

We walked down the curved corridor quietly until we reached the stairs.

“I told you to keep away from King, Funke, don't say I didn't warn you” She said before we began down the stairs.

If she had something to say about him he should say it directly, all this beating about the bush made me feel anxious.

“why should I stay away from him?” I asked, but before she could say anything Precious was running to us while screaming our names.

“Funke! Chioma!” Precious shouted running to us. The people around gave her strange looks as ran over.

This girl no get shame.


I fiddled with my pencil, knowing a set of eyes were watching me closely.

“Done!” King sighed dropping his pen on his table then getting up to stretch, he spread his long arms out causing his blue hoodie to slightly raise up and the dark flesh underneath to show.

Once again I was in King's house. It was Saturday and I had nothing to do at home so I came early to work on the project. Thankfully we were done with that.

For what seemed like the millionth time I sneaked a look at the girl sitting on his couch, just to see if she was still watching me.

Amanda was already here when I came and ever since I stepped foot here she's kept a close watch on me. I tried easing the tension with a bit if small talk but she just snubbed me.

It made me wonder if I ever offended her. I was thinking it's because I accused her of pushing Chisom or... maybe she was jealous. She could be dating King for all I know.

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