He bats his eyelashes, just a little. Oh, be gentle, complementary stranger, it's my first time.

It works like a charm. The Hat licks his lips like he's in a very cheap porno, and actually says, "Wanna get out of here?"

Jesus. Fucking embarrassing. Come on, guy.

He makes himself smile again.

"Oh, I really do."

They make it to the alley outside the bar before Hawks shoves the Hat against a big metal dumpster and goes for his belt.

The Hat ruins it immediately, just talking incessantly in halting, painfully embarrassing little phrases like can't believe I'm gonna fuck the winged hero and no one's gonna believe this and wow your wings are so -


Hawks stops, freezes, whole body locking up at that voice. He's on his knees, and the Hat's cock is in his hands and halfway to his mouth, and mother fucking Endeavor is standing on the street peering into the alley with a - horribly disapproving look on his face.


Endeavor takes one huge step toward him, and Hawks feels his wings start to shake a little.

This is - god, this is embarrassing.

"What in the seven fucking hells do you think you're doing?"

Hawks scowls to cover up his shaking. "I thought it was pretty obvio-"


But Endeavor isn't talking to him. He's talking to fucking Hat.

Hat stammers.

"Uh- I - um - Mr. Todor- uh, End- um I was just -"

Endeavor takes another step and the alley, previously cold and damp and pretty gross, suddenly raises twenty degrees.

"Leave," he says, voice ringing with barely suppressed rage and disgust, and Hawks can't help the twitch of his lips. He ignores the one in his cock.

The Hat's dick is still in his hand, and he almost doesn't want to let it go. It's all so - untoward.

Endeavor looks furious.

The Hat scrambles to put his cock - skinny, pale, thoroughly unimpressive in every way - back in his pants. He has to skirt around Endeavor to get out of the alley; he's so fucking huge he takes up almost the whole width of it.

Hawks stands up, slowly, and folds his arms to hide how hard his hands are shaking. He can't believe he's just been found like this - by him - about to -

And with such a despicable -

Jesus, he's going to need to jerk off eighty goddamn times after this.

Endeavor folds his arms, towers over him. He looks supremely angry. Hawks leans against the alley wall with one shoulder, trying for nonchalant and just waiting to be - reprimanded.

Endeavor still doesn't speak, so Hawks breaks the silence. The alley is stiflingly hot now, humid and close. Hawks can feel sweat on the back of his neck.

"What the hell?" he says, going for his best outraged look. "I was busy."

Endeavor scoffs, dismissive. He's not looking at Hawks now. Is he - uncomfortable?

Oh, hell yeah.

"Who do you think you are, just taking people's dates like that?"

Endeavor's eyes flash at the word dates and he scoffs again.

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