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Beta: Manon, Shemar & Naomi, Phyllis, Carol, Niroveka, Dis & Aranel

Disclaimer: I own only the plot; Tolkien though was the one that created the great world of Middle Earth. I do not own the Lord of the Rings (and associated) book series, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of the story.


As Gimli groaned loudly, the elves realized that they had been overhead. It was too late to take back what was said a moment ago.

Aragorn and Gimli stalked over the elves.

"No! You must listen to me," Haldir said and he took one-step closer to them as he tried to explain. "Don't be too hasty"

He could see the murderous look in their eyes. He felt like they wanted HIM dead.

"Explain to us, if you please, what you meant by your last words," Gimli growled and stepped closer to him.

"Gimli, control yourself," Aragorn warned, keeping his voice very calm and smooth.

"And why is that? Can you not see?" Gimli spat out and threw his hand out to indicate the Elf lying on the ground. He turned his piercing glare to Haldir and the other elves. "My father was right; I should never have trusted an elf,"

Gimli looked toward Legolas' body; the spilled elven blood covered so much of the grass. Legolas looked so pale to the Dwarf's eyes. He did not want to believe it; he could not believe that Legolas, his friend, was actually dead. He could not leave him there, not like this.

Gimli raised his axe and walked over the elves, ready to kill whoever would try to stop him from being with his friend one last time. Legolas was the one elf who trusted him, even when others would not.

Gimli knelt beside his dead friend, and took the lifeless hand in his as he whispered, "Legolas, please... wake for me..."

Aragorn came closer to Gimli, placed his hand on his shoulder, and squeezed it gently.

"We may have been too late to save his life," Haldir's voice was full of mournful regret as he spoke. "But there is a chance that we can save his soul. We must make for the Nimrodel River with all haste. If we restore his soul, and give him back the will to live we can then heal his body and he will have a chance at life once again," Haldir explained.

"Then we must leave now, Haldir," Aragorn turned from Gimli toward Haldir.

The warrior Elf nodded.

Two of the elves that arrived with Haldir lifted Legolas' body from the bloodied grass, and laid him gently over Haldir's horse.

"I will meet you at the Nimrodel River. I pray to the Valar that he will be alive when you get there." Haldir said, and away he rode like the wind. The elves rode after him, leaving the dwarf and the king lost in their thoughts.

"Noro path a noro bell." Aragorn called to them as they disappeared from sight.

Aragorn tossed Gimli onto the horse then mounted up in front of him and Arod followed behind. After five days of hard riding, the Nimrodel River was in sight. Gimli and Aragorn expected to see their friend healthy once again.

When the worried friends reached the campsite, they saw Legolas, his pale body lying still and silent on the ground next to the river. The enchanted waters seemed to have had no effect on their friend.

"We have to wait, and pray that Illuvatar will restore his soul to his body." Haldir told his party of Elves.

His attention then turned to Aragorn and Gimli who just arrived.

Gimli slid from the horse and came to Haldir's side very tired from the past days' experiences.

"Haldir, is he alive or not?" Gimli asked hopefully.

Haldir hesitated with his answer then looked at Legolas' life-less body. The prince looked so peaceful and yet so pale, like the moonlight...

"Gimli, you should rest a little," Aragorn suggested. He knew the dwarf could not carry such grief with out rest.

"I cannot Aragorn," Gimli said sadly.

"There is nothing that we can do, but wait," Haldir assured his two friends.

"I cannot accept this," Gimli half shouted in frustration. There had to be something he could do to help his best friend.

"Neither do I, my friend, neither do I," Aragorn whispered.

Aragorn seemed so calm and quiet compared to Gimli who raised his voice so loud that it sounded like thunder.

Aragorn hated to lose Legolas, the one who had been like a brother to him, and had always been there for him. Legolas would have sacrificed his own life to save him. His loyalty... Legolas was always loyal to all his friends, and to his father.

Haldir moved a little closer to Aragorn and studied his reaction to the situation before them. He noticed the worried look that came over the young king's face.

"I cannot lose him Haldir," Aragorn struggled to keep his voice from breaking.

"I know, mellon nin, but we need you to be strong for him when he wakes up," Haldir said.

No one replied for few moments, until Haldir spoke again.

"Legolas is going to be fine Aragorn, do not be so worried," Haldir smiled and placed his hand on the man's shoulder.

"How can you smile and be certain that he will be fine?" An infuriated Gimli asked.

Noro path a noro bell - ride fast and ride hard.

Mellon nin- my friend

The Healer's Choice (LOTR General Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt