"We found a place. Don't worry. We'll figure it all out," Daryl told her. If Negan was really telling the truth about Alpha being dead and gone, then that would make things easier. However, they would still have Beta and the rest of the Whisperers to deal with.

"Sorry I didn't find the kids," Rosie added. That was what Daryl asked her to do, and she didn't do it. He wasn't mad, and she knew that, but she still wanted to apologize. It seemed like not doing what she was told had become a reoccurring issue and it sort of made Rosie feel bad.

"Wasn't your fault, Banks. It was mine," Negan reminded her. Rosie nodded in agreement. She knew it wasn't her fault, but felt like apologizing, anyway.

Daryl couldn't help but notice that Rosie didn't correct him. Maybe she'd just gotten sick of correcting him and decided it was no use. That would make sense. "Yeah. 'Cause you tied her up in shed like a fuckin' psycho," he grumbled.

"To be fair, I wouldn't have done it if she would have just listened to me," Negan said jokingly, raising his eyebrows. It was another attempt to lighten the mood, but Daryl wasn't willing to let the mood lighten.

"Why the hell would she listen to you after all you done?" Daryl scoffed. Rosie shoved her hands into her pockets and keot her eyes on the ground in front of her, trying to ignore their incessant arguing. It was frustrating having two of the most important people in her life hate each other's guts. She couldn't blame Daryl, though. If anyone deserved to be hated, it was Negan. She understood that. But it didn't make it any less frustrating for her.

"I don't know if you've picked up on this or not because I'm not sure how big that redneck brain of yours is, but if you haven't noticed, I've never had any bad intentions with her. I've known her since she was four years old, and even if I've fucked up a few times, all I've ever done is try to help her. She can trust me. She knows that," Negan said, fed up with Daryl trying to pretend that all he has ever been is a piece of dog shit.

Again, Daryl scoffed. He glanced over at Rosie, who had a blank expression on her face. "That right? You know you can trust him, Rose?" he asked.

Truthfully, Rosie knew the answer was no. Last night, she didn't trust him at all. He'd betrayed her trust far too many times to count, and she knew she should probably hate him for that, but for some reason, she just couldn't.

"I know I've messed up, Banks, but I hope you know I'd never do anything to hurt you," Negan said. And he meant it. However, he didn't always take into account the fact that he couldn't only physically hurt her, but he could hurt her on the inside, too.

"Jesus," Rosie muttered, annoyed. She wished they would both just shut up. "How much longer we got?" she asked. They hadn't been walking for very long at all, and she already wanted it to be over.

"A while," Negan answered.

Rosie huffed out a sigh. She needed to figure out a way to get both of them to stop talking to each other. One way to do that was making it impossible for either of them to get a word in. If there was one thing Rosie could talk endlessly about, it was dinosaurs. So that's what she did.

"Have I ever told either a' you about the gigantoraptor?" Rosie asked. She didn't give either of them the time to answer, but if she had, it would have been a no from Negan and a yes from Daryl. Daryl was there when she learned about the gigantoraptor from a book she found in a library they stopped in once. She read off all the facts to him. "Well, they were sixteen feet tall, which, for reference, is like, a little less than three Daryl's tall."

And she went on like that for a long time, listing off any and all facts she could think of off the top of her head. It made it easier to keep the two men's mouths shut.

Future Ghosts • TWDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें