What happened during their childhood

Start from the beginning

The happy group of girls continued their journey, their bond strengthened by the day's adventure and the amusing story of the chocolate-loving man who had a sudden change of heart.

Never make Y/n actually mad even if it was a simple task.

We see Y/n, Yang, Cinder, Roman, Adam, Ruby, Ilia, Weiss, and Neo outside at a park with Qrow, Taiyang, and Summer.

The latter of which is seen in a wheelchair and all bandaged up due to a accident that involves cookies and falling off a cliff.

Tai: Alright kids, I know you're all eager, but I need setup picnic blanket and basket. Y/n, can make sure that Summer gets her straw while I set things up.

Tai walked away with kids in tow as it is now just Qrow, Y/n, and Summer.

Y/n: Firmly grasp it in your hand, Mom.

He places the straw on Summer's bandaged hand, but it falls because she can't grab, Y/n picks it up.

Qrow: Uh, Y/n?

Y/n: Firmly grasp it.

He does it again and the results are the same.

Qrow: Uh, Y/n. Sum can't-


He forcefully jabs the straw through Summer's bandaged hand as she lets out a muffled pained scream and Qrow stares at her hand jaw dropped.

Y/n: That ought to do it for you, Mom.

Qrow was left speechless, unable to comprehend what had just occurred. Summer let out a muffled cry of pain, her eyes wide with shock. Her bandaged hand, now impaled by the straw, was twitching as she tried to process the unexpected turn of events.

Y/n stood there, his face rigid and expressionless as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. It was clear he had taken the directive to "firmly grasp it" quite literally, but the result was far from what anyone had anticipated.

Qrow, recovering from the initial shock, rushed to Summer's side. He carefully removed the straw from her hand and gently checked her injuries, all the while shooting a stern, bewildered look at Y/n.

Qrow:*angrily* Y/n, you've got to be more careful. She's hurt, and you can't just jab things into her like that!

Summer, though still in pain, managed a weak, reassuring smile, trying to defuse the situation.

Summer:*through gritted teeth* It's okay, Qrow. It was... an accident.

Qrow:*exasperated* An accident? Sum, accidents don't usually involve impaling people!

Y/n, unfazed, simply nodded.

Y/n:*calmly* I will keep that in mind, Uncle Qrow.

Qrow sighed and shook his head, realizing that reasoning with Y/n could sometimes be an exercise in futility.

Qrow:*muttering* Sometimes I wonder if you have a sense of humor, kid.

Y/n:*blankly* I am not programmed for humor, Uncle Qrow.

Qrow and Summer shared a glance, both realizing that Y/n's stoicism was something they had to accept as part of who he was. Despite the unintentional mishap, they couldn't help but appreciate the protective instinct he displayed, even if it did manifest in a rather unconventional way.

Qrow:*smirking* Well, let's just make sure this picnic goes off without any more... surprises, shall we?

As they continued with their picnic, they couldn't help but wonder what other unexpected moments Y/n might bring to their lives. One thing was for sure – with Y/n around, there would never be a dull moment.

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