Mr Pushover💆

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Have you dated a guy who seems to agree with everything you say - to the extent that he won't even choose his own dish at a restaurant and simply tell the waiter "I will have what she's having"?

It can be so incredibly frustrating to end up with a pushover, but a lot of women do. He's the guy with low self-esteem, the indecisive one, and the one who doesn't want to make a fuss, offend, or be the center of attention.

He needs a woman to tell him what to do, and preferably, one who'll do it all for him. He won't voice his opinions or desires, so you're left making all the decisions in the relationship.

What does dating him say about you?

If you're often attracted to this type of man, you're probably incredibly controlling and always want to stay on top of things. Controlling women easily attract pushover men, in fact, they may actively seek them.

The pushover man will be grateful for you to tell him what to do, and he won't complain. He'll be your "Yes Man" no matter what you say - but unfortunately, this type of relationship really isn't sustainable for either party in the long run.

You'll end up feeling as if you're mothering your partner, and he won't do any growing or evolving. You'll both end up permanently frustrated and disappointed.


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