Mr Bully🤕

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We've all met bullies in our lives, but try dating one and you won't know what you've come up against. The bully treats you badly and you know it. He does any or all of the following:

He emotionally manipulates you.
He blames you for everything.
He uses an intimidating tone with you and others.
He criticizes you openly, including in public.
He talks to you like a child.
He uses derogative language.
He's jealous and constantly falsely accuses you of cheating on him.
The list goes on...

What does dating him say about you?

If you're in love with a bully, you likely struggle to maintain emotional boundaries. You want to be liked so badly that you'd even let a man walk all over you just to please him.

You feel responsible for others and feel like you're to blame if he's angry with you. You accept responsibility for other people and carry their burdens.

You need to learn to respect and love yourself enough to spot a bully from the very beginning - and have the courage to walk away before it's too late.


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