Chapter 7-Swift Yellow Light

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The mysterious figure moved through the school quickly, almost invisible to the eyes of the stone creatures sitting atop the high columns of the old castle, keeping watch for any students that may be wandering around the halls later than they should be. The figure was silent, moving through the shadows with ease. All that could be seen was a shimmering yellow light, flickering in their hand as they moved.

The bright moonlight stone through the windows of the school, almost illuminating a path for the figure to follow. Only, they paid no attention to it, moving through the halls as if they'd walked along them for years. As if they had the entire layout of the school engraved in their memory, like a built-in map they could refer to. Every move they made was perfectly calculated, not a single mistake or a wrong turn made.

After all, they couldn't afford either.

They made a dash towards the stairs and slid down the railing with grace, their feet landing firmly onto the fourth floor of the main school building.

Without saying a word, they looked around, made sure no one was around, then walked down the wide corridor, past the various classrooms and laboratories. They moved in dead silence, until they stopped in front of a metal-plated door.


The figure dug into their pocket and fished out a small piece of paper with a strange symbol drawn on it. They pressed it to their chest. The symbol glowed and, without hesitation, they walked through into the laboratory. The piece of paper turned to dust as they found themselves surrounded by many different magical objects sitting on shelves that lined the grey walls. Desks sat facing a large blackboard in the front, which hung behind a large desk with various things on it ranging from pencils to textbooks, even a sandwich wrapped in thin stretchy plastic. It stank of silver salmon.

"Alright, it should be here somewhere." The figure muttered to themselves.

A glimmer of gold sparkled in their hand. They looked down at it, and the glowing yellow needle pointed to the large desk at the front. The figure walked forward to the desk, noticing something glowing a faint yellow behind it. Something small hidden among other artefacts sitting behind a glass door. The figure smirked.

"There you are."

They reached out toward the handle, only to pull their hand with a startled and pained cry. The handle surged with bright yellow sparks of electricity, only bypassable by one person.

"Okay, not as easy as I thought." The figure groaned. They fished in their pocket again and took put another piece of paper, this one with a different symbol drawn on it. They placed the paper on the handle. Just like the last one, the paper glowed crumbled, and almost immediately, the surging sparks faded.

The figure grinned and opened the cupboard doors, taking the small glowing yellow gem from behind a small vase.

"You'll need much more than that to stop me, Blake." They laughed, almost wickedly. The thief's eyes began to glow a bright yellow as the yellow sparks that surrounded the handle surged around their closed hand. They smiled to themself, knowing that they'd gotten what they came for.

He dropped the glowing yellow gem into a small shoulder bag hidden under his cloak and closed the cupboard before turning to the metal-plated door.

"One down, nine to go."

With another piece of paper, and a deep breath, they disappeared through the door.


Author's Notes

Who was that figure? How did they get into Arceus,  past the gargoyles? Why were they looking for the gem that Celest found? How did they manage to pass through the door and pass by the charm on the cupboard? So many questions...


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