Memory Fragment 1: His First Step

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¬Asher, 1 year old¬

It was one afternoon when the Emperor of Obelian Empire, Claude de Alger Obelia preparing for a meeting with his noble councils. He enters the nursery room of his only son, Asher. It's been a year since he raised his son and Claude really loves and adore Asher.

"Asher..." Called out Claude to his son who is playing with the horse toy on his playmat.

The 1-year-old Crown Prince of Obelia Empire, turn his head to see his father entering dressed in his finest official outfit of an Emperor. Asher looks happy and start to stand up while clapping his hand while calling him, "Dad!!" Claude looks at his son and couldn't help but smile before kneel down in front of Asher while patting his head.

"Asher, Dad is going to have meeting soon. Would you wait for me?" Claude asks and Asher pout while hugging Claude. "No... no go..." Asher said while his jeweled blue eyes started to get teary.

Claude cannot handle Asher when he is teary but despite, he really loves his son and wants to play with him, the meeting is a crucial one.

"I'll be back soon, Asher..." Claude said.

"No! no no" Asher said while clinging on Claude's arm, refusing to be far from Claude with his teary jeweled blue eyes. He then picks up Asher who cry on his suit. He caresses Asher's head and back to calm him down from cries into a soft sob. He stays until Asher fall asleep for his nap and then kiss him on his forehead before leaving.


Claude was in the middle of his noble council meeting and he was really bored and annoyed before he decided to end the meeting as soon as possible.

"Felix, how was Asher?" He asks his loyal guard, Felix.

"His Highness, Prince Asher is still asleep, Your Majesty." He answered.

"Hmm, is that so?" Claude said airily before he continues walking through the palace's corridor to head some shut eye before visiting Asher again. "You may leave, Felix."

Felix bow and leave Claude as he enters his office. Claude looking tired, decided to lay on the sofa of his office. His hand covering his eyes while he was thinking of Asher and how he misses Ultear's presence and he feel sad because it's been a year since Ultear passed away. He was thinking what would happen if Ultear was still alive.

As Claude close his eyes, he then heard of small pitters patters from outside the office and he chose to ignore it since thinking that it might just be Felix passing through for checking. He hears the door open slightly and he frowns as who dares to disturb his sleep.

As he opens his jeweled blue eyes which has turn cold...

"How bold of you to enter my office without saying anything..." He said coldly and then he turns to glare but what met him is a starry jeweled blue eye of his son, "Asher..."

The 1-year-old Asher smile and giggling. His jeweled blue eyes shines like the brightest star in the gloomy night sky of Obelia. Claude's cold and sharp jeweled blue eyes slowly turn calmer.

"Dad!" Asher said and then hug his arm.

Claude was surprised and his eyes widened seeing the door was opened and a panting maid was there looking anxious and scared.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I deserve punishment!" Said the maid trembling by the door.

Asher giggling and make grabby hand at Claude before Claude stand up and move aside a bit. Asher pout and make grabby hand, Claude chuckles and raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you want something Asher?" Claude asks amused but a bit giddy since he might know what happen with his son.

Asher stomp and make grabby hands. Claude just stands a bit further away more. Frustrated the young prince then start to take a first step before tumbling down. The maid was about to pick him up before Claude just stare back at Asher.

"If you want something Asher, come and get it." He said to his son.

Asher huffed before stand up, using the edge of the sofa to hold and start walking to Claude.

Step by step... little by little...

Asher lift his right leg and then left leg as he walks following the edge of the sofa and as it almost finish. He looked at Claude pouting and make grabby hands before Claude raised an eyebrow as if reminding Asher to not be spoiled.

Slowly Asher let go of the sofa's edge and lift his legs right and left slowly and walk to Claude giggling.

The Emperor of Obelia looks amazed and proud before he kneels and give his hand forward as if to let Asher know to walk closer so he can hold him. Asher looking excited start walking a bit more excited to his father.

"Dad!" Asher called out smiling before walking a bit faster to Claude and then take his hand giggling while tumbling down but Claude holds him.

He smiles, "Aren't you a little trouble maker, Asher?"

"No... I good." Asher replied giggling and then hug on Claude's arm.

Claude just smile at him and pat his head while still holding onto Asher who giggling and cling on his arm. "Since this is your official first step... should I give you a land for your present? Or maybe a new vault?"

Asher giggle, "Want Dad." He said and close his jeweled blue eyes as he nuzzles on Claude's arm.

"My trouble maker... I'm here and will always be here with you." Claude said as he holds Asher close in a hug.


A/N: Hello everyone! So sorry has just updated. I've been busy a lot this past month with work. I am still busy but I am still typing the memory fragment chapters for Claude and Asher. Since this is after all focused more with Claude and Asher. 

So, for a moment now as promised I am going to update Asher's and Claude's memories for quite a while as I am still continuing my other stories, "His Star Empress" and of course this one! Enjoy reading and please stay with me and you may still suggest ideas for Claude and Asher memories. 


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