Chapter 10

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3 years later...

(Asher's POV)

I walk as fast as I could do the audience room as soon as I heard from Rufus about the South of Obelia were preparing for rebellion against the crown. As I arrive, I open the door.


He looked at me with stoic face and emotionless eyes. But if you look deep inside into his eyes, you could see his eyes cold and troubled.

"Dad! Is it true about the South planning a rebellion?" I asked.

"Not too loud Asher..." He said.

"Dad please. Tell me about this issue," I said.

He looked at me and I looked back at him with determination on my eyes. He closes his eyes and said, "The news indeed true... They are already start causing rebellion. The Lords of The South already asked for reinforcement."

"Are we going to send reinforcements?" I asked.

"Yes... There are some things we need to prepare first before sending reinforcements"

I nods and then look at him, "Let me lead the reinforcements, Your Majesty."

Dad looked at me with slight surprise and I look back at him with clear determination.

"Let me lead them, Dad. As the Crown Prince of Obelia Kingdom and the future emperor, I will stop the rebellion."


"You already prepared me about how to be a good ruler. How could I become a good ruler when I will not lead my people and set them free? I can do it, Dad. All I need is for your blessing," I said.

He looked at me intently, his eyes glow and his mana slightly flare.

"This war is not a game, Asher. One wrong move and the people as well as the future of Obelia will fall. I will not allow it," he said.

"Dad, this is what you've been prepared me for. I want to be a good ruler that will keep the people safe. At the moment, our people are in danger because of the rebellion. People lives are at stake. If we let them be and did not stop them, it will spread and more people will lose their lives and their home. I beg of you, Dad, please let me lead the reinforcements and bring safety and peace back to our people. They deserve that."

I did not back down as he keep looking at me sternly. His mana's flare tone down and disappear. He leans back and then nods.

"Know this Asher... This rebellion war will take long time. It was harsh reality out there. But..."

He looked at me again and then he smiles softly, "You really look like your mother... You will make her proud. I believe in you, my son."

I smile with determination and nods, "Thank you Dad. I will not let you down. I shall leave the day after tomorrow."


(Athanasia's POV)

I immediately run towards the yard. I could not believe it. Big Brother will leave today for a war that we do not know when will it stop. I look and see Big Brother saddling Hermes with Rufus beside him.

"Big Brother!!"

He turns around and see me, "Athy?"

I run and hug him tightly with tears streaming down on my face, "Big Brother don't go. Please don't leave Athy alone. Athy wants to be with you, brother!"

He smiles and kneel down in front of me with a gentle smile, "I will be back soon, Athanasia. I have to protect the kingdom so that you could live here peacefully."


I pull him in for a hug and cry, "Please come back to Athy. Athy still wants to be with Brother for a long time with Daddy too."

"I will... Now, I want you to be a good girl for Lily and also do not cause much trouble for Felix and the maids. Also... Please take care of Dad while I'm away. When I return, I will bring you something pretty."

I sniffled and then look at him before giving my pinky, "Promise? Athy does not need pretty things. Brother and Daddy are the prettiest things for Athy. Athy just wants brother to return safely. Athy will wait and will write letters!"

He laughed and pat my head, "And I shall wait for your letters." He kissed my forehead.

We turn around to see Dad looking at us with cold and emotionless face. But I know Asher's leaving greatly affected him. Asher is his favorite and beloved son. Wars... It takes years and there will be so many deaths and might even not return. I need Big Brother Asher to be beside me just like Dad needs him to be beside him.

"I shall see you when you return, Asher," Dad said.

"Yes Dad... I shall bring back peace to Obelia. Please take care," Asher said.

With that Asher nods and get on Hermes. He waves before leaving the palace. I clench my hands on my heart. Please please let Asher return safe and unharmed.

"Don't worry Princess, His Highness, the Crown Prince Asher will be alright. He is strong and excellent leader. He will be back without you knowing," says Lily as she pulls me in for a hug.

I look at Claude who only stare at the pathwhere Asher leave with knights and guards with faraway look and cold eyes. He glancesat me before turn his back and went back inside. I shall do my best for Asher.

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