Chapter 14

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(Asher's POV)

It's been a month since the announcement of my engagement to Roxanna. Roxanna has some crown princess consort lessons and preparing for our wedding banquet along with Athanasia. While I have been with Dad because of paperwork. I often take notice that sometimes Dad always watching over me and Roxanna.


Dad looked at me, "What is it Asher?" he said as he takes his eyes off the paperwork that he is holding.

" I took notice that you often watch me over with Roxanna a lot when we are on your sight. And then you always have this faraway look... Do you mind telling me?" I ask.

Dad look at me for a moment before he stands up and look through the window where Roxanna and Athy were having tea. I sigh and then follow him and lean on the window sill beside Dad.

"Dad... Was seeing me and Roxanna hurt you?" I ask lowly.

"No... It just reminds me of your mother..."

"Mom? You mean seeing me along with Roxanna reminded you of the time when you and Mom still young and happily together?" I ask.


I look at Roxanna and couldn't help but smile as I see her laughing with Athy. She looks beautiful and radiant, make me love her even more. Was it even possible?

"That look..."

I turn around as I heard Dad say that, he then closes his eyes slightly before leaning on the other side of window sill I leaned on.

"That look on your eyes... Is what Felix and Mrs. Robane often said how I look at your mother..." He turns to me and staring intently, "Both of you reminded me of me and Ultear."

I look at Dad and feel my heart ache a bit. I understand what make Dad felt like this. The feeling of undying love... the emotions of heartache when not around the said person. That feeling is what Dad shown... I couldn't do anything to turn back the time but I know this...

"I won't let what happen with Mom happen to Roxanna. I will protect her just like I know you would do back then with Mom. I will be strong for the both of us... I will be strong for you, Dad. You will no longer feel that kind of feeling, as long as I am here, I will protect your heart again. All I need is a favor from you now..."

He looks at me telling me that he is listening, "I want you to not feel any pain again when thinking about the memory of you and Mom... With that, a path where you get to know and opened up to your future daughter-in-law..."

As I said that, he looked surprised before closing his eyes and give a slight smile, "You really are my treasured son... The piece of Ultear. You have her spirit and spark, son. Then I shall try and opened up to my daughter-in-law."

I smile at him. I will always protect Dad... He already lost enough and as his son, I would not let him lost anything again.


(Claude's POV)

Breeze blow around me, I was in a field of roses and standing there in the middle is the woman that her presence seems familiar and make me yearn for. Her long raven hair as dark as the midnight sky sparkles under the sun which make her hair looks like a starry night. Her long beautiful white gown flare and pool around her, she looks ethereal...

I've missed her...


A whisper of her name, she turns around to show me her beautiful ruby eyes that looks so warm and full of love. Her red rose lips look as seductive and like a forbidden apple on the garden of Eden that those religious people often talk about. She was holding a white rose and she smile at me. She offers me her hands and I immediately take hold onto her soft hand.

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