Halloween in Toronto

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"Ugh, hush Tyler," Thomas grunted.

They continued to walk, but then Tyler got back into character of being Batman. "I am the dark knight!" He took the cape and covered his face below his eyes.

Mei rolled her eyes. "For someone who kept on claiming that trick or treating is for babies, you really seem to love your costume..."

"What! Shut up! It is for babies!" Tyler yelled, quickly dropping the cape.

Thomas just rolled his eyes with a small chuckle.

"Guys! Wait up!"

They looked behind them and saw Pyria, Abby, and Miriam coming up behind them. Pyria was dressed as Catwoman, Abby was dressed as a fairy, and Miriam was dressed as Robin from DC comics.

"Yes! The boy wonder!" Tyler yelled, smiling sticking his hand out for Mirrim to take. "Let's go fight crime togeth-" But Miriam walked right past him, then hugged Mei kissing her on her cheek.

Tyler blinked as he remained with his outstretched hand. "Okay... just leave me hanging why don't you,"

"Put your arms down; you look like a dork," Abby snickered, as she tickled Tyler on his belly. Tyler giggled, and playfully pushed Abby. "Shut up! I ain't a dork!" He chuckled.

"Hey guys," Thomas said, smiling at his friends.

Miriam let go of Mei and looked at Thomas. "Holy costumes Batman!" She pulled Tyler up to her. "Woah!" Tyler gasped.

"It's the Riddler!" She yelled, pointing to Thomas.

Thomas blinked repeatedly. "Um... I-..."

"He said he isn't the Riddler..." Tyler said whispering to Miriam.

"Oh..." Miriam said letting go of Tyler, who fell to the ground. "Oof!" Tyler grunted.

"Well, that's embarrassing," Miriam chuckled. "What are you then,"

Thomas smiled, "I am... The Doctor," He said flicking his hat.

Miriam nodded slowly. "I... Do not know who that is,"

Thomas just sighed. "Jeez, you all are very uncultured of British media," He said.

"Well excuseeee me," Miriam said with a playful giggle.

Thomas just shook his head, then looked back at them smiling. "The Doctor is a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey who owns a machine known as the TARDIS that can travel through all of time and space!" Thomas said, smiling a lot.

"Dork alert," Tyler said with a snicker.

Thomas just rolled his eyes. "I'm not a dork!" Thomas pouted.

Tyler chuckled. "Yeah, you are! You train-brain,"

Thomas just pouted, with a grunt, then walked away.

Tyler giggled, but then Miriam bopped his head. "Ow!" Tyler yelled, now rubbing his head.

"Not cool Tyler!" Miriam said.

"Tyler?!" Tyler yelled. "Who's Tyler!? I'm not Tyler! I'm the dark knight!" He grabbed his cape and then dashed behind Abby.

Abby just took her wand and poked it onto Tyler's nose.


Thomas looked behind him, as they were still walking, then just shook his head with a quiet chuckle. But then he realized... Carter wasn't with them.

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