Ch 1 . The beginning

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Rimuru pov

well, that will be fun, well you might all be thinking what am I talking about? Well, this a tale of a time when we created a gate that can help us travel to different verses whenever we want. so let's start from the beginning by introducing myself.

Hello, my name is Rimuru Tempest the current God of Tensura also known as the chous creator of octagram. yara..yara .yara. you all know who I am. so let's skip this part and go quickly to the interesting part.

This all began when I was bored managing the entire world so decided to take a break and go to a different verse a have fun. So my very first verse we went to was the Naruto verse (from Naruto). Where Ciel and I have a lot of fun creating new powers for us to play with. Even Guy, velzard and velgrynd joined us.

But we were not the only ones who are doing this when I was busy working my ass off working in heaven. My brother veldora, his wife Ramiris, and my bestie milim decided to follow my idea and go on multi multi-versal journey. Ramiris decided to make a teleportation gate in the dungeon's last floor which anyone can use to go to another verse. This technology uses a lot of magical energy so what you know veldora called ivaraje to power it up for them. can you imagine the world-destroying dragon is now a FUCKING MANA BATTERY?   

Well, she did it she powered up the gate so milim veldora ramiris and she could travel to a different verse. but thanks to VOICE OF THE WORLD I got informed of their action and I told Ciel to put them to sleep so they don't destroy anything by mistake. Later after returning from the Naruto verse Ciel decided to use the gate made by Ramiris and improve its design to reduce the use of excess energy. 

Ciel: master it is complete. do you want to check it?

Rimuru who is currently punishing the 3 morons heard a voice from heaven itself.

Rimuru: wait are you serious that thing is working?

Ciel: yes master and not only that but this gate helped me analyze different energy that I used to complete this gate. 

Upon hearing this Rimuru was shocked, but there were 4 more people who were even more shocked than him. Those are Ramiris, Veldora, Milim, and Ivaraje. Well, they thought their experiment failed completely, but it was successful which means: they can do whatever they want to do with it and never get bored.

Rimiris: hehe haha haha I did it I finally achieved a way for infinite fun. 

Veldora: kuha haha suck it up rimuru we finally did it. now we can have infinite fun.

Milim: I can't wait to fight some strong people noda.

Ivaraje: hey guys why is rimuru so silent like a sea? if there is a tsunami coming then I am leaving I don't want to get my homework doubled.   

Rimuru: Where are you going? you are going to train with Chloe for a month now since that is the amount of time needed to complete analyzing the outer verse. Ramiris you are going with Ciel to study the energy patterns since you made it. Veldora goes and informs all the demon lords, true dragons, and all my executives to the last floor and milim asks me why did you try to come to Naruto verse now for your punishment think of a better place for us to visit. From this list which was corded form which requires basic mathematics to solve.

[Author: Milim got out easy from her punishment she just needed to solve 6 math questions.

Ciel: are you sure author Kun?

Author: well it's basic mathematics problems she can solve right. Right, Ciel ....why are you silent....tell me she can do it.

Rimuru: no she needs at least 1 month to solve it.

Author: well dame.]

Veldora who is crying in the background as he is going to hell and even his sisters take like Velgaiya more than him. So he would be killed at least 5 times.

Meanwhile, milim is having her brain fried because of rimuru simple math questions. After some time she realized that ramiris had gotten out of this easily, so she went to check on her but found her trapped inside the gate as she is used as a ciel gini pig to study all different worlds' mana and spirit essence.  While she is can just use Akashic records of all the different verses.

[Author: oh lord, save our favorite pixie.]

BACK TO RIMURU, who is currently taking care of all the reports from his subordinates and executives. and gave them a proper role since he was going on a big vacation.   

AFTER few minutes 


Ciel: it is a complete master riminus and I have successfully analyzed 6 omniverse, so where do you want to go?  

Veldora: Dragon Ball please I want to fight Goku and show him my veldora killer art of fighting.

Milim: yey noda we are going to Dragon Ball verse. 

Rimuru: ok fine but raminus is staying in the dungeon to calculate the rest of the gate energy and Ivarage is going to provide energy ok? 

Veldora and Milim without thinking for a few sec immediately betray their friends and agree to Rimuru. 

So who do we bring is the main problem even though Ciel told me she has full control over the gate we should be careful with this device. So HE asked Ciel to absorb this dungeon floor inside my infinite imaginary space.  

Then after that, I made a list of people to bring with us. 

Rimuru: so first is milim and veldora, Ciel, zegion, velzard, velgrynd, and Guy. well for rest can be decided after we access the power of the verse and create skills out of it. will that be fine Ciel?

Ciel: yes master, we can use other methods too but this way is most effective.

After that, I told my decision to all my executives and they all agreed. Well because zegion is the 2nd strongest person among all my subordinates and he is best at fighting. Then I gave all my executives their own area of the world to handle and finally made Benimaru responsible for handling all the heaven work ( which is really boring)

Ciel: master I suggest that we should go now we can all the rest after a month of time.

Rimuru: oh yes we need to check the power of the omniverse.

finally, rimuru used his authority as god and slowed down time in tenure and went to the world of dragon ball verse.    

[Author: ok so that is the reason why will rimuru travel to different verses. yes, it is for fun.

on the next chapter: creating an identity. ]  

Rimuru Goes To Dragon Ball VerseWhere stories live. Discover now