"Let me grab my stuff, we can head out into town. Are you getting changed?" He asked, and with the look I gave him, he threw his hands up and backed away.

"Yeah, because I'm definitely going out in a pink crop top, Harry Potter pj bottoms and fluffy slippers," I say, shaking my head.

"Eliza, wanna come get set up in your room?" I ask, chucking her stuff she'd unpacked already back into her suitcase, trailing it to the spare room we'd decorated just for her.

"Yeah!" She grins, clapping her hands together following me to the room next door to mine.

Considering it had literally been used as a storage room since I'd moved in, I hadn't done a bad job. Harry had helped too, obviously, but it now had pink duvets, some patterned curtains, fairy lights around the room and a box full of toys. It was the perfect room for Eliza.

The grin on her face was incredible, and it was moments like these that I cherished so dearly. She really was my favourite person.

"You like it?" I ask, starting to unfold some of her clothes and put them away in the chest of drawers.

"I love it! I love fairy lights and there are so many toys. I nearly don't want any ice cream!" She giggles, throwing her arms around my neck, squeezing me into a cuddle.

"Speaking of ice cream, I'm just gonna get changed and then we will go grab the best ice cream you've ever had. Sound like a plan?" I ask, and she seems happy enough to explore her new room and play with the toys Harry had kindly bought. He'd be ecstatic to know she loved them.

Back in my room, Harry is in and out of the bathroom, and he seems to be shaving.

"You better not be shaving the whole thing off," I warn him, peering round the door. He looks back at me like a deer caught in headlights.

"Not all of it. Just most of it. I look rough," he says, taking the razor away from his face where I am fortunate enough to see that he still has some facial hair left.

"Just checking. I know I wouldn't be the only person who would be upset if all your facial hair went," I say jokingly.

"You'd be the only person whose opinion I'd truly care about, though," he points out, which makes my cheeks redden.

"Eliza loves her toys, by the way. Thank you," I tell him, accidentally changing the subject.

His smile is soft, and it's able to make me feel warm inside. "Good. I was really worried she'd get bored of them. I'll go check on her in a sec. Do you need the bathroom?" He asks, finishing up with his shaving.

"No, not yet. I'm going to wear a dress, today. It's still quite hot. Which reminds me, actually. Can you pack sunscreen? I am not letting anything happen to Eliza whilst she's with us."

"Course. Is it in here or in the other bathroom?" I ask, and after I tell him it's in the other bathroom where I mostly just chuck sidelined or old products, he gives me a kiss on the lips leaving me to get ready.

The dress I have in mind is a white summery dress, fitting the weather outside perfectly. It slips on with ease, and after a quick twirl in the mirror I'm satisfied. I've got light makeup on, and don't feel the need to do anything extra, so I grab my bag and head back towards Eliza's room.

Except, I stop just outside her door because I can hear her giggling inside, spotting Harry in there with her.

My heart absolutely melts at the sight of Harry lying on the bed, laughing his head off with Eliza jumping around over the top of him. I almost don't want to interrupt and stop the moment, and I don't, until I catch Harry's eye from his position on the bed.

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