(sixth chapter)

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Everyone went to their seats and the teacher yelled at them to hush. They started their lesson til Jane passed a note to her friend. The other friend laughed and responded. She tried to pass it back to Jane til the teacher opened the window and it flew back onto James desk. He picked it up and read it, then crumbled it. "wth is your problem, Jane?" He yelled. She looked blankly at him and she turned around. "I SAID WTH IS YOUR PROBLEM?" He yelled. Net stood up and tried to tell James to sit down but James slapped his hand from him. "Whats wrong, James?" The teacher asked. "This little.." he stopped and then talked again "Jane keeps making jokes about Yim that aren't funny..". Yim looked confused at Jane and James. "SO JANE? WTH DO U HAVE AGAINST YIM? BECAUSE IF U HAVE A PROBLEM WITH HIM DONT EXPECT ME TO NOT HAVE SMTH AGAINST U" James screamed. Tutor got up and said "Jane.. wth are u doing rn?". Jane looked at him and started crying, "I miss you babe..". She then ran into his arms. "HEY! NONE OF THAT, JANE,JAMES AND YIM GO TO THE OFFICE RN" The teacher yelled. James groaned and Yim was confused looking around. Jane pushed Yim and made him fall which made everyone laugh except for Net, Tutor and James.

"Hello, how may I help u?" Said an office worker. James rolled his eyes at Jane and said "This b- I mean girl, has been bullying my friend." . The office workers laughed in their face, "Okay uh, please follow me." One of them said, leading them into the back where the principals office was. They opened the door and saw the principal, "Sir, these students would like to talk to u" said the office lady. The principal nodded and the office lady shoved them into the room then slammed the door. "Alright, what seems to be the issue?" He said. Jane smirked, and said "Wel-" then the principal stopped her. "Jane please wait for your turn" he said, getting Jane humbled. James smiled, "Well u see, she has been bullying my friend Yim" he said pointing to Yim.  The principal nodded and then looked at Jane to respond. "He's lying! I would never do that" Jane yelled in defense. The principal smirked, "Jane this had happened before.. so therefore since they have 3 suspects and probably the other classmates as well, I'm going to have to suspend u for 1 week. I've been noticing this too as I've seen it on the cameras outside and heard it from the teacher". Jane's jaw dropped and James smirked at Yim. "Please stay in my office, Jane. The others, u may leave" He said. They all left and James immediately spoke out, "I'm so glad he believed us, yk how Jane is!!". James jumped in happiness and hugged Yim. Yim smiled. They walked back to class but then James took out his phone. "Selfie for revenge?"

(NOTjealous) TutorYim FanficWhere stories live. Discover now