(seventh chapter)

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It was 9 am and a weekend day so Yim made sure to get extra rest. Suddenly a notification went off, Tutor was calling him. Yim quickly sat up and cleared his voice then answered the call. "Yes?" He said in a sleepy voice, still not fully awake yet. Tutor giggled and spoke "Hurry up, Net, James, and I are waiting for u outside your house". Yim rushed out his bed and went downstairs to open the front door. "HUH?" He yelled. James came inside and hugged Yim, "Is that how you're going?" He said. "GOING WHERE?" Yim yelled. James looked confused, "WERE GOING TO AN AMUSEMENT PARK WDYM?" James yelled. Yim grabbed James hand and went upstairs to his bedroom. "I THOUGHT THAT WAS NEXT WEEK". James shook his head and said "hurry up I'll sit on your bed and wait". Yim nodded and got ready.

30 minutes later

Everyone got into the car with Net driving and James in the passenger seat while Tutoryim were in the back seats. (James being a passenger princess 😉🤭). Net put on some country music and drove off. "Ew wth is this, Net?" James screamed in disgust. Net rolled his eyes, "its music obv 🙄". James turned it off and put pop music on, "Shall we talk abt it" was playing. Net gave James a side eye 😒 and James gave him one back.

Tutor tapped on Yims shoulder. "Hm?" Yim replied looking over at Tutor. He just smiled and he held Yim's hand. James noticed, and whispered in Net's ear but Net moved his head which almost made them kiss 😗. Net smiled while James got awkward and went on his phone. "AHEM, we're here" he said.

Everyone came out the car and went to get tickets. "What should we do first?" said Net. TutorYim chose a Rollercoaster, "What about u, James?" Net asked. James looked at his phone and smiled. "Uhm.. James??" Yim repeated. James didn't notice til Net snatched his phone from his hand. "HEY!" James yelled, but then covering his mouth for yelling too loud. "I said what about u?" Net said. James looked confused, "Well uh, yk... What Tutor and Yim said.". Net shook his hand and gave James his phone back. They were all walking til James was way behind because he was still on his phone. A ice cream truck was driving and it drove towards the distracted James. Luckily, Net noticed in time. "JAMES!" He yelled turning around and moving James out of the way in time. James was startled and screamed. They were pretty close and made eye contact til Net got off of him. Then the driver got out the truck, "Are you okay!?" He said loudly. Net nodded and looked at James, "Watch out" he said walking away. "Wait!.. Thank you Net" James said. Net nodded, "Instead of thanking me, get off of your phone. Who are u texting anyway?". James cleared his throat and said "No one, let's go". He walked away and held onto Net's arm. "Are you okay, James?" Yim asked. James nodded and smiled.

They went onto rides til it was the Rollercoaster, James was terrified of Rollarcoasters and Yim was the opposite. The same was with Tutor and Net, Net loved Rollarcoastes but Tutor hated them though he tried to act tough with Yim. They got on and James was next to Net while Tutor was next to Yim. The ride started slow til it went faster. James started screaming and Everyone laughed at him. Tutor didn't though, he was scared but he didn't want to show it. He closed his eyes but Yim noticed. "Tutor.. are u okay?" He asked. Tutor nodded and held Yims hand really hard, Yim smiled and gave Tutor a kiss on the cheek. Tutor opened his eyes and saw Yim smile which made Tutor calm down.

The ride was over. James started crying and wined so much. "WHY?" he yelled, Everyone laughed. Suddenly James had to throw up, "I don't feel good.." he said in a week voice. "I'll take care of him, I'll text u guys later" Net said, winking.

NetJames POV:

Net rushed James to a stall. James threw up and busted out crying, "I hate this and the ride sm". Net giggled and soon James was done. James was a little dizzy so he was wobbly. "Let's go, come on" Net said. James was walking til he fell on Net.

TutorYims POV:

"Let's go, Follow me!" Yim said. Tutor followed him. They went to a store with headbands, they tried them on. "The bear one is cuter on you, Tutor" said Yim. Tutor smiled, "Alright, your turn" he said. Yim rolled his eyes, "Okay". Yim tried a Bunny, Cat, and Bear one. "The cat one!" Tutor said. Yim smiled and nodded.

"I'll pay for it!" Yim said, stepping forward til Tutor pushed him out of the way. "It's okay, it's for the kiss u gave me earlier" Tutor said, putting his card into the machine. Yim blushed 🤭. "Okay.. I'll wait outside, 👌?" Yim asked. Tutor nodded.

Yim went outside, sitting down on a bench thinking about what happened earlier til he saw Net and James. Right when he was going to call them, he saw James on Net.

NetJames/TutorYim POV:

"Hey!" Net yelled. "I want water" James said. "Okay, I'll get u some" Net said. Net then saw Yim, "HEY!". Yim waved back and then Tutor came back. Tutor saw Net and waved too. They all got together and went back into the store for water. James drank it and felt better. They left the park and went back into the car. "It's 6:00 rn, We should eat" James said. "Any suggestions?" Net asked. "How about we go to Yim's house, his mom makes the best food". James said. Everyone agreed except Yim. "HUH?" Yim yelled out. Net stopped the car, "anything wrong?" He said. Yim shook his head, "nope..".

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