Chapter 11: Not All Giants Are Gentle

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A week has passed since Elisa-mae's party, and I'm just done with staying within the village. And with my leg feeling a lot better, I was just itching to go outside. And I could tell that Alvin was starting to get restless again as well. He was still weary, and with good reason, but at the same time his youthful energy was just waiting to do anything other than stay cooped up all day.

So the day I was certain my leg was good enough for climbing, and Alvin asks me for the 7th billionth time when we were going back out again, I agreed to take him the following morning.

I was in the middle of getting ready for the day when Alvin barreled his way into my goosepen. I lightly scold him for not knocking before helping him into his own gear. I grabbed my wagon and we both made our way to the exit of the Village. We were both just about to head through the village exit when we were stopped by a voice.

"Going somewhere?" Asked Elder Elderwood.

I halted in my tracks, causing Alvin to bump into me (whoops), and whirl around to face the Elder, "Yes, we are going to harvest more food."

"But we still have plenty, left over from your... prior excursion..." he points out.

"Yes, but I'm sure the village would like to have something fresh every once in a while," I try to excuse, "instead of eating nothing but preserves day in and day out."

"The village has lasted much longer on preserves." the Elder counters.

"Well, it's better to be safe than sorry," I say nonchalantly, as I readjust my grip on the wagons handle and start moving again, "besides, since we have sooooo much left over, and have the stone that was graciously provided for us by the giants, that means we don't have to collect as much, and can be back much sooner than just before dark! Isn't that great~?"

The Elder stands there flabbergasted, but quickly regains his composure, "And you are certain this isn't just an excuse to go messing around with those giants?"

"No, this isn't an excuse to see my giant friends," I answer, "this is an excuse for me to finally get out of here, cause I've grown very very veeeeeeeerry tired of staying cooped up here for weeks!!!"

He was taken aback by that statement and was speechless.

"If we happen to run into them, then it will be purely coincidence." I add as I keep moving.

But I was stopped in my tracks by his next statement, "And what of the child? Why does he need to come with you? Did you change your mind about it being too dangerous for him?"

I take a deep breathe to qail my sudden rage, "Speaking of changed minds... Who was it who insisted he accompany me in the first place, hmm?"

"Well, that was when-"

"AND! Who sent him, ON... HIS... OWN... despite being a child!?" I cut him off as I continue my argument, "Did you suddenly change your mind?"


"That's what I thought..." I say before heading through the exit, "Come on Alvin, stay close to me. Wouldn't want any squirrels to snatch you up cause you lagged behind~"

Alvin gasps as he smacks my arm, "Don't even joke about that!"

I laugh loudly as I playfully rub the mushroom on to of hid head, "I'm only half joking kid."


We were in the middle of harvesting mulberries from the usual Mulberry tree, when we hear the telltale stomping of the giant skeletons heading in our direction.

"They're here! They're here!" Alvin shouts, jumping up and down!

"Yes, yes, I can hear them too. But can you stop moving so much, before you end up falling out of the tree again!?" I chastise.

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