Chapter 7: The Gentle Skeletons

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Some curious Bitties approach the giant skeletons with caution. They chatter among themselves in whispers, unsure of what to do, or what to make of the giants. The Elders are not pleased by this outcome.


The horn was blown to get everyone's attention again.

"What do you all think you are doing!?" Elder Elderwood asks, "We didn't say you could go near the giants!"

A murmur rumbles through the small crowd, until one Bitty speaks up.

"But you said that [Y/N] was lying, and that giant skeletons weren't real. But there's one right there."

Another speaks up as well, "And you always told us that the magic in those stories weren't real."

"Magic isn't real!" One of the Elders argues, "Those stories were made up by our ancestors, to teach life lessons to the young, but at the end of the day those stories are just fables."

"Said who!?" I shout down to the gathered Elders, "I too believed that those stories were made up. But after seeing magic with my very own eyes, I'm beginning to wonder if some of those stories, if not all, are in fact based on truth."

The murmuring among the Bitties grows louder. Even the ones that were still hiding away were starting to emerge to listen more closely.

"Do you dare question the teachings of many generations!?" Another one of the Elders shouts in dismay!

"I'm not questioning the teachings," I try to reason, "I'm questioning the here and now. The teachings don't say anything about Giant Skeletons, or that they are dangerous. But I'm here now, because these guys saved my life, and I can tell you they aren't a threat to us!"

More Bitties start to come out from hiding and start to gather. They murmur and whisper to one another, unsure on who to listen to. And yet they still don't dare to venture further, the fear is still obviously there. Fear of the unknown, and fear of the Elders' wrath.

I sigh disappointedly, but I shouldn't have expected everyone to get over their cowardness in a day. Everyone is taught that the outside is dangerous, and everything outside is dangerous, and the village keeps us safe from the outside.

I turn towards Blue despondently, "Maybe you should put me back down Blue..."

"ARE YOU SURE?" he asks uncertainly.

"Yes," I confirm, "Everyone is obviously still scared of you... it might be for the best you guys don't hang around..."


I hug his face one more time, "It's not your fault Blue. Maybe some other time you can come visit, but right now might not be the time."

"MWEH, O-OKAY..." Blue says as he moves me away from his face, "DON'T FORGET YOU CAN ALWAYS VISIT US AS WELL."

As he is about to sit me down, his brother interrupts him and says, "here, let me help."

Stretch winks at Alvin and I, and that was our only warning before we were both incased in a blue glow and was lifted weightlessly in the air.

"Whoa!" I exclaim, being caught off guard.

"Whoo!" Alvin exclaims, having the time of his life, "Look I'm flying!"

All the other Bitties gasp in shock and fear as Stretch slowly floats us down to the ground.

"Is that magic!?"

"What is that thing doing to them!?"

"Looks kind of scary..."

"Am I weird for wanting to try it...?"

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