Chapter 1: A day in the life of [Y/N]...

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My name is [Y\N].

And this is how I usually go about my day.
Every morning I wake up to the sounds of birds chirping, and leaves rustling in the breeze. I get up and out of my small nest of dried grass and stretch to wake myself up further. I go about my goosepen doing my usual routine for washing up and getting dressed for the day. And after a quick breakfast of dried blueberries and nuts, I put on my safety equipment, that consist of acorn shells that I use as elbow and knee pads, half a walnut shell for a helmet, and a vest I made out of pine cone scales and tree sap, to keep it together.

I make sure my bow and quiver of hedgehog quills are secure on my person, and double check that I have everything I need in my wagon. After reassuring myself that I'm not forgetting anything, I grab the wagon and start pulling it and head through the makeshift door of vines that cover the entrance to my home.

The morning sun is shining brightly through the tall oak trees that enclose this small patch of land. I watch as other bitties from my clan exit their own goosepens and go about their day to day work. I take a deep breath of fresh air, before making my way through the village with my wagon. Many of the others pause what they are doing to wave at me as I pass by, and I smile and wave back. Some even wish me luck, and for my safe return.

But just as I was about to reach the village exit, I hear an elderly man's voice call out, "[Y/N]. Are you heading out already?"

I pause in my tracks and turn to see the Elder bitty slowly making his way towards me, and I greet him, "Good morning, Elder Elderwood. And yes, I was just heading out."

But Elderwood looks down at me with concern, "Do you have to now? Why don't you stay for the morning ritual at least?"

"Sorry Elder, but you know how it goes." I say apologetically, "If I don't start now, I won't be back until after dark. And you know how much more dangerous it is for use bitties after dark."

"That is true." Elderwood acknowledges, though unwillingly, "If only you could take some of the others with you. That way the work wouldn't be as much of a burden."

"That would be a great idea, but..." I respond, my words oozing in sarcasm. I turn toward the rest of the village and shout, "HEY GUYS! WHO WANT TO JOIN ME OUTSIDE OF THE VILLAGE?"

Everyone either hurried away or ducked their heads, pretending to be too into their work to hear what was said. And I turn back to the Elder and say, "Well ain't that a shame. Guess I'm still the only bitty here that's crazy enough to go outside."

I start making my way toward the exit again, "Well, it was nice talking to you Elder, but I really have to get going."

And with that I head through the tunnel that goes through the base of one of the oak trees surrounding the place. The only way in and out. But as I was making my way through the dark tunnel, I noticed that the sounds of my foot steps were echoing strangely.

Knowing exactly what was going on, I sigh before calling out, "Alvin! Go home!"

A curly haired, carrot top, little boy poked his head out from behind the mushroom he was hiding behind, "Aww, how did you know it was me?"

"Cause you're the only one crazy enough to follow me." I deadpan.

" I deadpan

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