Bucky hung up the call with a press of his finger, leaning across her to do so, as she was still lost in thought...

"Y/n?" his soft voice still gravelly from the morning.

"Yes?" she looked at him then, her eyes refocusing before forcing a laugh, "Must've zoned out for a bit, sorry"

"No need to apologize" he huffed with a small smile, "Now go get dressed, I've got somewhere I want to take you"

"Is that so?" her eyes lit up immediately at the mysterious offer, "And I'm assuming you won't tell me where we're going?"


"Brooklyn" she confirmed with a quick nod that she was hoping came off as nonchalant as she bit down on her lip, realizing the significance, "Sounds good..."

"You don't have to come if you don't want" he hesitated, seeming slightly bashful.

"No, I want" she blushed, "I want to come I mean, to go with you"

He huffed out a breath in that gruff manner of his that she couldn't help but love. He was taking her home.


Y/n had never seen Bucky so animated before. As they walked through the streets of Greenpoint, he kept pointing out local businesses, his and Steve's old school, and alleyways he used to pull him out of when he'd let his big mouth get him into trouble, effectively giving her a history lesson, not just of the area but of his young life. The neighbourhood was made up of a mix of buildings, some tall and some short, almost all made of old, worn brick. They passed discount bookstores, colourful fruit stands, and amazing-smelling restaurants. But each time Y/n thought they might finally stop for lunch, Bucky pulled her one street further toward some unknown destination.

Finally, they reached a little grey restaurant with a red sign that displayed a name in a language Y/n couldn't read.

"Dzień dobry" Bucky greeted as they stepped into the small space, lined with red, curve-backed chairs and metal tables.

There was a crash of a pan in the back that caused Bucky to start forward toward the sound until a much older woman came out and his posture visibly relaxed.

"Ahhh James" she greeted, opening her arms wide.

He hugged her for what seemed like a long time.

"What were you doing back there Beatka?" he questioned, looking at her with found eyes, "Raising the dead?"

"I would if I could," she smiled back playfully, their encounter showing just how familiar they were with each other.

Her eyes flitted up to Y/n as if suddenly noticing her. She immediately grabbed both her hands, smiling somehow even brighter than before, practically beaming.

"James, please tell me this is your girlfriend, yes?"

He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "No Beatka she's not, she's—she's one of my colleagues"

"Nonsense," Beatka swatted at him, ignoring him completely as he began to protest, "What's your name moja aniołku?"

"My angel" Bucky whispered to her, making her eyes widen before she realized that's what the old woman was calling her.

"Y/n" she smiled politely, "It's lovely to meet you!"

Beatka's smile was wider than any Y/n had ever seen in all her time on Earth, excluding maybe Wanda's when she inevitably won on game night at the compound.

"Beautiful name, beautiful name, perfect for a beautiful girl ahh"

Y/n blushed just as Beatka turned abruptly, heading over towards the cash register and counter that separated the restaurant's seating from the kitchen. She glanced up to look at Bucky but he seemed to be sheepishly avoiding her gaze. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her along, following Beatka through to the kitchen where there was a small table pushed just far enough from the steaming ovens.

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