the city

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Y/n yawned loudly as she woke from a deep slumber that was surely prompted by last night's bottle of wine. She tried to roll but found she was secured within a cage of sleeping super soldier limbs. Using literally all the strength she had in her, she managed to lift his bulky arm up and shimmy out, trying her best not to wake him. With a chuckle, she brushed her teeth before heading out of the suite and down to the hotel's adjoined café.

"Two lattes to go please" she ordered when she finally reached the front of the line.

The barista was a young person, maybe five or so years younger than her, with a short, purple quiff of curly hair. They blushed as their eyes widened, no doubt realizing who Y/n was, before breaking into a lop-sided smile.

"Right away miss, I mean ma'am, I mean—"

"Y/n is fine" she whispered conspiratorially, leaning in, making the barista blush even more.

They nodded sharply before heading back over to the machines to make Y/n's order. When they were finally finished, their pale skin was redder than a firetruck.

"Thanks," Y/n said with a wink.

As she left the cafe and made her way back up in the elevator she couldn't help but smile. The drinks were a small gesture, she and Bucky hadn't talked very much when they'd gotten back to the hotel after their first "date" and of course, their first real kiss. She felt flushed and warm as she used the hotel key card to open the door.

"Where were you!" An angry voice quickly brought her from her reverie.

"What?" Y/n's nose scrunched in confusion.

Bucky's massive pyjama-clad form suddenly surrounded her in a tight and desperate hug. He was soft against her somehow despite the hard ridges of his muscles. He pulled away his hands cupping her face as he searched her eyes for something, what she didn't know.

"You—you" he fumbled with his words before continuing, his voice gruff, "I thought something had happened to you, I woke up and you were gone"

"You do have a phone you know?"

He seemed to deflate at this realization.

"Right—I'm sorry I completely overreacted" he huffed out a small laugh as if he couldn't believe his own behaviour.

"Don't worry" she smiled at his sincerity, squeezing his hand, "It's sweet and uh I appreciate it...Coffee?"

"Thanks" he grumbled, reverting back to his usual grumpy self as he grabbed the cup.

Luckily they were saved any more awkwardness as Tony's contact appeared on her phone, her ringtone filling the large space.

"You two ready for your next date?" Tony asked with a wink.

Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Listen, I don't want you two worried about tonight, it's just going to be another teaser for them to see you together before we organize a third date where we'll all actually be there to catch them. Tonight you'll barely have to lift a finger to convince them, if anything, I'm pretty sure they got the message seeing your little kiss last night"

"Stark..." Bucky glared as Y/n flushed.

Tony raised his hands in mock surrender, feigning innocence despite his jabs.

"I'll let you two go now to do whatever you two want to get up to now but please remember not to fuck it up unnecessarily tonight, I'd hate to lose either of you"

Tony's expressions of concern only ever came with a healthy dose of sass and sarcasm but that was just his way. Y/n loved him, truly, he was like a father to her, or definitely like a father figure, one she'd never had. Obviously, knowing the team's history, she knew that things between Bucky and Tony had previously been say the least. But now, it seemed that they'd warmed up to each other a bit. Tony respected Steve, cared for him even, and Steve didn't come without Bucky, therefore, peace. She knew it wasn't truly that simple, that they had struggled to work together for a long time but seeing their bond, no matter how shaky, present-day was enough for her to think, anything can happen.

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