The Kingdom Dance of Corona

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Her eyes trail over the braid, a genuine smile spreading on her face. The little girls had weaved in flowers throughout the braid to keep it together, the girls watching with big smiles as Faunus slowly spins for them to see their work.

"It... you look... amazing," (Y/N) struggles to speak for a moment, chuckling with an appreciative nod.

Faunus beams at her praise as he bashfully chuckles and turns away, the tips of his ears noticeably red as he thanks each of the girls.

Maximus leans towards (Y/N) with a wide smirk, (Y/N) looking to him with confusion. He wiggles his eyebrows, nickering quietly. She rolls her eyes with amusement as she shoves his face away, Pascal smiling as Maximus whinnies quietly with laughter.


(Y/N) looks over a vegetable display, Faunus grabbing an orange and looking at it with awe before showing it off to (Y/N). She laughs affectionately at this, taking the orange before yelping when he grabs her hand and tugs her along, spotting another stand he wanted to see. She tosses the orange back to the merchant, who catches it with a smile.


(Y/N) stands in line at the baked goods stand, wanting Faunus to try some of the sweets that Fionette makes. Faunus stands at her side with his hands clasped behind his back, his shoulders back and posture straight.

He looks to his left, the grand mural catching his eye.

Faunus slowly approaches, a small crowd of people gathered at the wall. The painting was of the king and queen of Corona, a small baby in the queen's arms as she smiles warmly.

"It's for the lost prince!" a little girl holds up a flower to her mother, who smiles with a nod as her daughter sets the flower on the step.

There were countless flowers arranged on the step, all offerings for the lost prince of Corona. Faunus frowns a bit, not knowing the prince was missing. He looks back to the baby in the mural, feeling sad for the king and queen.

His eyes linger on the king and queen before he looks back to the baby, the baby's eyes similar to his-- hair gold like his, as well.

Faunus' eyebrows furrow at the similarities, but he was distracted by a small band of people passing playing their instruments. He smiles in delight, quickly following after them.


"Thank you, Fionette-- here," (Y/N) takes the basket of baked goods, reaching into her pocket.

"No need for that, my dear," the older woman softly replies, shaking her head. "Now, go on back to your date!"

(Y/N) was taken, aback blinking rapidly as her face warms. "We-- We're not on a date! But thank you! You're very kind!" she exclaims, quickly turning back and walking away as Fionette laughs loudly behind her.

(Y/N) huffs in embarrassment, her face lighting up in surprise when she spots Faunus.


Faunus was dancing gracefully as the musicians behind him play a lively tune, some people already gathered and watching with kind smiles. Faunus moves over to a little boy, offering his hands to him with a bright smile.

The boy looks back to his mother and father, who both nod encouragingly as they smile. The little boy giggles as Faunus leads him towards the center of the sun painting on the ground, the two bouncing in a circle.


Faunus offers his hand to a nearby man, who quickly shakes his head with a nervous laugh as he waves his hands in a dismissing motion. Faunus grins with a raised brow, grabbing his arm and tugging him to join in as his friend laughs in amusement while watching.

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