comfort (jake sim)

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I lie in my bed, a sobbing mess. The reason I was sobbing, you may be wondering. One of the keys on my laptop broke off today. I was already irritable the whole day and that was just my last straw. So now here I was, completely engulfed under the covers, bawling my eyes out.

At first, I'd tried to calm myself down and stop my crying but it just wouldn't stop so I ended up just giving in. How pathetic, I thought.

"Y/N." I hear the familiar voice of my boyfriend, Jake, saying my name. I was so embarrassed. I once again tried my best to stop crying but was failing miserably.

I then felt the mattress sink down a little next to me and his hand went on my back over the covers. I didn't want to leave these covers and have my boyfriend see how pathetic I was for the nth time in this relationship.

"Baby, come out of the covers." Jake then softly says. Gosh, he was probably sick of dealing with me.

I ended up giving in though, crawling up a little bit in the bed and pulling the blanket down to my lap as I sat up in the bed, looking down at my lap. Jake then takes my hands and holds both of them as he faces me in the bed.

"What's going on?" Jake asked me, a concerned tone in his voice.

I stay silent for a few moments. "I- everything- I can't- my laptop-" My voice was stuttery and shaky due to the fact I was just crying.

"It's okay, baby. Take a deep breath." Jake tells me and I do as he says, still not looking up at him though.

"Today... has already been pretty shitty and I haven't been in a great mood today and then- then my laptop key... I was using my laptop and the key suddenly broke." I explain, my words are still a little shaky but better than before.

He nods, "It's okay. We can go and get it fixed tomorrow." Jake tells me and I just felt so embarrassed. I was freaking out over something so stupid. "But it's okay to be upset. You had a rough day." Jake suddenly adds, almost on cue. "Do you want a hug?" Jake then asks me. I nod in response and he nods before pulling me into a warm hug.

After hugging silently for a while, I have to say something. "I'm sorry." I tell him.

"It's okay, baby. It's no big deal to go fix the key." Jake responds, thinking I'm talking about the laptop. I mean, I was but I was also saying that for another reason.

"I'm sorry for being so annoying." I then tell him, straight up saying what I meant.

He stiffens a little, I could feel it. He then pulled away from me so that he could look at my face. "You think that I think you're annoying?" Jake asks me.

I shrug in response, "You're always having to comfort me."

He sighs, "Princess, that's my job as your boyfriend. To be there to comfort you whenever you need it. Even if it's for small things and especially if it's for big things. I'm always here for you." Jake tells me and I could tell he was being sincere. "You know why?" Jake then asks me.

"Why?" I softly ask.

"Because I love you. I love you so much. I love you the most in the world. And I hate seeing the person I love the most, so upset." He tells me.

I don't say anything for a moment before finally I say, "I love you too. So much."

"I know you do, baby." Jake says as he leans in and kisses me. The kiss was salty from my tears but neither of us cared, too involved in one another.

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