nevertheless, i'm here (lee heeseung)

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I sit at the island of the bar located not far from my house. My face rested on the palm of my hand as I waited for the bartender to get me my drink. Everything in my head was confusing me. Recently, I found out that my boyfriend, Suho, was cheating on me. Of course I was upset but I probably should've felt more upset than I actually did. So, here I was, deciding to drown out my feelings in alcohol.. alone.

I heard a sound of something hitting something else and I looked over to see some guy playing with darts not far from me. As he threw the darts, I watched him. I noticed that he had a tattoo on the back of the neck that was partly covered by his silver-blonde hair. The bartender slid the drink in front of me and I thanked them, paying for it before I took the drink and started to sip from it, still watching the guy play. He was really good, I must admit.

I noticed my phone vibrate on the counter and I turned to look at it, seeing a text from my best friend, Yuna. She was texting me pictures of "inspirational" quotes on unfaithful partners. I couldn't help but smile, finding it funny even though she didn't intend to send it with humor in mind.

I shut my phone off and suddenly, someone sat down on the chair next to mine. I looked up at his face and noticed it was the guy playing darts earlier. He hadn't looked my way, instead looking for the bartender so he could order himself a drink. His jawline was sharp and he was wearing somewhat dangling earrings with crosses on it. I was lowkey staring, I couldn't help it. The bartender came over and when the guy spoke, his voice nearly made me faint. God, it was so nice.

I looked back down at my phone as the bartender started making the guy's drink. I responded to my friend, letting her know that I appreciated her sending me those cringey quotes but that I was fine. As I was sipping from my drink again, the bartender came over and handed the guy his drink.

Suddenly, the guy looked over at me, "Do you play darts?" He asked me. He was talking to me?

I blinked, not saying anything for a moment before I shook my head, "No, I don't." I respond.

"Really? I noticed you watching me play earlier so I just thought you played." Heeseung said and I noticed how a little smirk crept on his lips as he said that. Shit, I wasn't as discreet as I thought I was.

"Sorry, I just thought you were good." I say and he shook his head in response.

"It's fine. It's just kind of intimidating having someone as beautiful as you watching me play." The guy then flirtily says. I could feel myself blush at his words and that only seemed to escalate things even more because next thing I knew, he was teaching me how to play darts.


After showing me, he handed me a dart and I stood in front of the dartboard where he was standing. He then went behind me from where he stood next to me and wrapped his arm around me so that his hand was over mine, guiding me.

"What's your name anyways?" I suddenly find myself asking.

"Lee Heeseung." The guy responds, his breath fanning against my ear as he says those two words. I felt like my knees were about to go weak just at the sound of him saying his own name. "What's yours?" He then asks.

"L/N Y/N" I responded.

"Pretty name. Reminds me of my tattoo." Heeseung then says. "Ready?" Heeseung then asks and I nod, focusing on him teaching me for now. He then moves my arm and I let go of the dart which ends up landing in the 8 point section.

I smile as I step away from Heeseung who gives me a high-five, "Good job." He tells me.

"Thanks." I say with a small smile.

"Hey, I'm gonna go out for a smoke break, wanna join?" Heeseung then asks me.

I didn't smoke often but I have vaped a few times before, in fact, I had one in my purse right now. "Sure." I respond and Heeseung nods before holding his hand out for me.


We stood in the alley right outside of the bar. He took out a cigarette and lit it as I took out the vape in my bag. I brought it to my mouth and took in the smoke into my mouth before I exhaled it away from Heeseung's face. Heeseung took a smoke from his cigarette before also releasing the smoke from his mouth and god, it was the hottest thing ever.

We made small talk as we smoked with one another and eventually, I put the vape back into my bag as Heeseung finished up his cigarette. He dropped the nearly finished cigarette onto the floor and stepped on it, crushing it into the ground before he stepped closer to me who stood with my back against the wall.

"God, you're so beautiful." Heeseung suddenly says before leaning down and pressing his lips against mine.

The kiss felt so good, the way he touched me and the way he kissed me was the best. The way his tongue gilded against mine felt heavenly and I just wanted him more. I hadn't felt this in a long time with Suho so it felt nice having someone else make up for it after breaking up with him.

After a few minutes of making out, Heeseung pulled away, "Wanna come to my place?" He asked me and I nodded. He then took my hand and dragged me along with him.

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