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[The next scene was Jade outside the newly decorated Avengers Tower, gathered around by the Avengers, including Rhodes, and a few Autobots

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[The next scene was Jade outside the newly decorated Avengers Tower, gathered around by the Avengers, including Rhodes, and a few Autobots. Lennox and Epps was there too, and Mikaela and Robbie. Nat was seen hugging Jade.]

Nat: "Ugh, I'm gonna miss you so much." [She parts.] "It's not gonna be the same without you in our little trio with Clint." [She motions her head towards him, where he is talking to Cap, as he comes walking towards Jade.]

Jade: "I know. "[Jade takes Nat's hand before setting it on her cheek.] "I'm gonna miss you, too."

Clint: "Hey, not gonna hug your favourite uncle goodbye?" [Jade laughs before she hugs him. They part before-]

Rhodes: "Uh- No. I am, clearly, the favourite uncle."

Clint: "Yeah, keep dreaming." [Jade laughs at them before going towards her parents. Who bring her in for a hug. Rhodes and Clint are still arguing.]

Tony: "Come 'ere, snickerdoodle." [Jade giggles at her dad as he kisses her on her head.]

Pepper: "It's not gonna be the same with out you sweetheart."

Jade: "I know, I mean, have you met me?" [Jade laughs at Pepper after she gives her a look. Just then Mikaela joins her.]

Mikaela: "Hey."

Jade: "Hi." [They start walking away towards the Autobots as they talk.]

Mikaela: "Have you talked to Robbie yet?"

Jade: "No, I'm... Still kinda upset at him." [Jade looks towards Robbie, who is talking to Lennox and Epps. He spots Jade and waves a bit. Jade only gives him a smile before she reaches Prime who is kneeled down towards her.]

OP: "I'm going to have to get use to not seeing you little one."

Jade: "I know." [Jade puts a hand on his cheek.] "Promise me you won't die in my absence?"

Optimus playfully, rolls his eyes.

[Optimus laughs, before nodding. Jade let's go before going towards Ironhide and Ratchet.]

Ironhide: "There's our little lady!"

Jade: "Hi," [They both kneel down at her and inaudibly talk to her as Tony watches.]

Bruce: "Must be kinda scary, sending your kid off to college, huh?" [Tony looks at him before he smiles and nods, looking back at Jade.]

Tony: "Yeah... I mean, how is she going to survive without me?" [Tony asks rhetorically. Bruce smiles before looking at Bumblebee, who has his eyes narrowed at him. Bruce gives him an awkward smile and a little wave. Bumblebee shifts before kneeling down as Jade approached him.]

Bruce: "You think your uh... Robot buddy, son or something will stop glaring at me?"

Tony: "It's Bumblebee, you'll get use to him."

[Tony then looks back to see Jade talking to Epps and Lennox who give her a handshake. He smiles. He was proud of her. A lot.]

[The next scene was the Avengers gathered around Bumblebee's car as Cap helped Jade pack her stuff in the trunk.]

Steve: "It's not gonna be the same with out you."

Jade: "I know, you're the third person that's said it... Uncle Steve." [Steve sighs a laugh]

Steve: "Still gonna have to get use to that." [He smiles at her as Jade laughs.]

Pepper: "Well, I guess this is it." [Pepper's eyes were glossy.]

Jade: "Oh, mom..." [Jade gives her a hug. They part. Jade then speaks as she opens the front door of Bumblebee's car.] "I'll call as much as I can. I promise. I love you guys."

Tony: "Well, we love you more." [Jade smiles as she gets in the drivers seat, she rolls down the window as Tony then leans.]

Jade: "I'll call as soon as I get there. I promise."

Tony: "Yeah, sure. But, I mean, do you have to go now? It's a few days early. You could spend at least a day with me. So I can have you all to myself."

Jade: "Dad"

Tony: "What?"

Jade: "You know it takes a few days to get to my destination to my... Magic.. College or whatever."

Tony: "I know. I'll miss you."

Jade: "Well, I'll miss you more. I love you 3000."

Tony: "I love you, 5000." [Tony kisses Jade on her head as she waves everyone goodbye. Bumblebee starts to drive as Jade waves at them. As soon as they are out of site, Jade leans back, and closes her eyes as a tear strolls down her cheek.]

Bumblebee: "Are- You- Ok?"

Jade: "It's so scary Bee... I've never been so far from home. From you, dad, everyone. But at least I get to spend a few more days with you." [Bee whirs is happiness.]

Tony clutched his arm rest. He dreaded the day he had to send his daughter to college. He loved her way too much to let her go.

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