Part 5

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Abhinav sat on the sofa clutching his head, a constant pain throbbing inside his skull. With great difficulty he lifted his head and looked at the photo frames adorning the wall above the fireplace. His smiled sorrowfully .He knew the constant ache in his heart will now remain forever , a wound that would never heal.

"I should take off the photos sooner" his heart twisted at that thought, but he knew it was the right thing to do, afterall they are now legally another man's family .

Clutching his teacup tightly as his knuckles turned white, he went into the thoughts of that fateful day he last saw her

After his conversation with Manjari, Abhinav had been devastated. He walked like a zombie to the lawyer's office drafting those divorce papers. The papers that he wanted to tear into a thousand pieces. His mind kept on reminding him of the outcome giving him the strength to go through with it, while his heart bled and begged him not to do it. He silenced his traitor heart and signed the papers.

He then proceeded to a park and cried his eyes out for hours. He cried until he knew he had no more strength to cry. He knew when he confronts Akshara he had to be cold and distant as possible. Any hint of sadness or emotions that his eyes give out, she will catch on. After crying his heart out, he made his way to Goenka Mansion.

As he entered he saw her running to him questioning and chastising him for not informing about his whereabouts. He gathered his courage and looked up at her eyes filled with concern and love.

Love ? No just concern. Shut up traitor heart .

He didn't reply a word to her string of questions, climbed the stairs to their room and started packing their clothes. He didn't believe his voice to not to break from the sorrow gulping his heart.

His wife, no , Akshara entered the room after him looking so worn out and paler from all the crying. He packed up just the things he needed, he didn't want to spend a minute more than necessary as the sight of her made his heart constrict. He wanted to calm her and whisper courage to her . But alas , he was only going to add to her sorrow.

"Just some more days of sorrow Akshara. Then you will  live along happily with Abhir. " Abhinav wished within himself.

She caught his hands as he packed ignoring her obvious questions.

Her soft warm hands

He flunged it off as his mind alerted that his determination was melting at the physical contact.

After packing and making sure he wouldn't need to linger around he uttered those horrible words to her. But she apologized profusely,  fresh tears  starting to stream down her face, her eyes scared reflecting the same emotion that he saw that morning before the verdict.

Fear of losing her family.

He closed his eyes unable to say the words that he had been memorizing for the past hour . Anyhow he had to do it. He opened his eyes with a steely determination and asked her to leave him live his life , thrusting the divorce papers in her hand he ran out of the Mansion as fast as he could.

For two days he kept on boarding different buses and traveling wherever the buses took him to. But decided to go off to Kasuali , his home being his only solace . He would live along with the memories they had created for the past 6 years.

After arriving in kasauli,  he started working day and night , consuming himself so that his sorrow doesn't overtake him completely.  Neelamma has been stalking him day and night for his reason to leave Akshara , but he just avoided speaking about it. He had been collecting some information from Neelamma about Akshara and Abhir's well-being as and when Muskaan called her.

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