Part 4

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Abhimanyu was standing in the altar waiting for his bride. It was a direct wedding with no pre festives like mehendi or haldi . Akshara didn't even want a wedding, she just wanted a court marriage , but Manjari was adamant on having one. He was happy , he got what he wanted his wife and his son all to himself.

"They would also slowly change to accept me once they are mine" his heart gave him false hope.

His thoughts were broken when Akshara was walking to the altar with Aarohi and Swarna by her side. She was wearing a red saree , with minimal makeup and jewellery. Abhimanyu couldn't help but notice that the main jewel was missing from her face. Her smile.

She eyes looked so red,  evident that she has been crying all day. Tear strains showing up in her cheeks even after the coat of makeup. Her walk was so weak , making it clear that she hasn't ate or slept well. All together she looked like she was attending a funeral in a bridal look.

Abhimanyu's heart constricted. Why was he doing it? He looked away to distract himself from his thoughts and his eyes landed on Ruhi and Abhir.

Abhir eventhough looking sad, but was eagerly looking outside as if waiting for someone. Ruhi , his princess was looking so pretty , but her eyes held the pain of the promise he broke. He will never be able to her papa.

Expect Manjari, everyone he loved was sad because of the wedding. Abhimanyu sighed.

Akshara reached the altar. Priest started the rituals which she performed like a robot which was acting on command.

After sometime the priest asked them to exchange varmalas.

Abhimanyu took the varmala and was about to make Akshara wear it when he heard someone shouting from behind

"Rukiye.." he heard a female voice from behind. 


Muskaan was out of breath and was gasping for air but she was happy that she was able to stop the wedding .

Muskaan went near Akshara and caught her hand

" Bhabhi.. Bhabhi.. pls don't do this wedding.. I want to show you something"  she pleaded to Akshara.

"Muskaan ye kya batameezi hai? Why are interuppting the wedding " Manjari pulled Muskaan back from Akshara.

" Yes Muskaan what is this behavior? Whatever you want to show to her show it after the wedding. It's apshagun to stop the varamala" Swarna too chided Muskaan.

" No bhabhi.. please believe me.... please  see this video first" Muskaan tried to free herself from Manjari's hands.

"Muskaan , why are you creating a drama here! Please come back" Kairaav tried to take his wife back by pulling her other hand. Her bangle broke and Muskaan whimpered painfully.

Akshara remembered Goenka's promise to Abhinav about taking care of Muskaan like their daughter.  She couldn't take it anymore.

"Leave her Bhaiya.. Muskaan is my sister too. Whatever she has to tell will be for my benefit only. Let her speak" Akshara left the altar and walked to where Muskaan was standing.

" Bhabhi.. Bhaiji .. bhaiji.. " Muskaan was about to tell something when Manjari interfered again
" ya ya! We all know what you are going to say , that your Bhaiji is world's best man. Now stop your drama . Your love for your 2rs anath driver bhaiji will not stop this marriage"  she spew her venom.

" Bas. " Akshara shouted at Manjari.
" Another word about  Abhinav then I will forget who you are. You have no rights to speak about him." Her temper flared at Manjari insulting Abhinav.

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