Part 1

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Hi guys, this has been in my drafts for so long. So thought to post it. This will be a three shot or two shot. Please do share your comments and opinions for me to write better. Thank you.

Abhinav and Akshara entered the Goenka mansion with tears running down their faces, hearts shattered into pieces as they had to witness their lifeline Abhir being taken away by his biological father after Abhimanyu won the custody case proving they are financially not inept to provide for their son.

Akshara kept on walking lifeless , as she was about to bump into the coffee table Abhinav pulled her from behind "Sambhalke Akshara..." he tried to stabilize her when she harshly took her hand out of his grip.

"Akshara..." he tried to reason but she her anger took forefront
" No Abhinav ... not today. Today you have done enough for me. You are the reason we lost the case . How many times I pleaded with you last week to just take the position in Goenka travel company so that we can prove that we are financially secure. But no.. your ego has to be bigger than everything. Well congrats Abhinav your ego made sure our son is not with us now. Abhir is gone... gone Abhinav .. he is gone" Akshara vent out her feelings as he clung forward and held on his collar
" Don't stand before me before I say something I regret ...... I have to be alone for sometime... just leave" she growled at him and ran upstairs to their room. Abhinav just stood there with his head hung low.

" Beta wo gusse mein...." Bade papa tried to convince Abhinav as he answered with his voice laced with sorrow " I understand her anger bade papa... she is not wrong. It was my mistake that we lost Abhir". He turned back and left the house to give her and himself some space too.


Abhinav sat in the bench at the park. The memories of Abhir crying while going with Abhimanyu kept on haunting him. Akshara's words of how he was responsible for that kept on repeating in his mind. He felt that he had single handedly destroyed the peace and happiness of his own family.
" Why should Akshara and Abhir have to suffer because of me? I have to right the wrong that I have done. If I speak to Bhaiji he might understand how Abhir needs Akshara. How Abhir can't live without his mother.. yes Bhaiji will definitely understand. But I have to meet him in person and talk. That will only work" Abhinav assured himself and started walking towards Birla Mansion.


Akshara woke up in her room after passing out from all the crying and exhaustion. She hurriedly checked the time. It was 7 in the evening. She slowly remembered what had transpired before. "Aree kanhaji, how could I have said those things to Abhinav. He must have been broken. Where is he now?" she wondered trying to call his phone. It was unreachable. She went downstairs and asked Swarna if she had seen him. She replied that he never returned back after she asked him to go away.

" Oh my God, it is all my mistake. Please make him come back" Akshara prayed as she kept on waiting for him to come back. Hours passed but there was no information of him. It was about to strike 10 when Akshara saw a silhouette of a man walking inside the mansion. She ran towards him " where did you go Abhinav? You know how worried I was? You didn't even pick up your phone?" She kept on questioning him while her heart sighed in relief.

He didn't answer her and kept walking towards their room. She was taken back by his silence but followed him .
" Abhinav, I am really sorry, I didn't mean the things I said today" she apologized once they reached the room. He pretended to not hear anything and started packing his things in a duffel bag.

She was dumbfounded by his actions. "Abhinav.......what are you doing?" she grasped his hands to stop his packing. He flunged her arm and kept on doing his task. " Abhinav I am asking you something.. what are you doing?" she repeated her question.

This time he turned to face her. His face was bare of any emotions. His eyes were cold. "What do you think of me, Akshara? Am I your servant, that you can order to leave just like that? Today you insulted me in front of your whole family. God knows what you would do tomorrow . I have tried my best to keep this family happy. But you always made me feel less. From now on, live your life yourself as you please. If I stay her any longer, I might not have any self respect left for me. I am leaving" he said as he took his bag and started leaving the room.

Akshara was staggered at his words but still maintained her composure.
" Abhinav , I can understand your anger. But please listen to me " she started speaking but he stopped her .

" Another thing, don't call me or try to contact me . I am done with you. You asked where I was all day right? Here, take this and leave me live my life alone" he gave her some papers and left left the mansion.

Akshara stood frozen to the spot as she held on to the divorce decree.

Note: why do you guys think Abhinav did this?

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