Ch8 - Crunchy

551 43 3

Cookie's POV

Arms holding all of the rocks and shells you had collected, you eagerly swam alongside Geno as you moved back to the nest. Since you had been practicing, you could move with ease now, even managing to keep up to Geno's higher speeds.

When you reached the cave entrance, you saw Reaper, and immediately, everything you were holding fell from your hands. "Papa! Papa!" you let out as you tackled him in a hug.

His arms wrapped around you the moment you made contact, his face lighting up with a soft grin. "Hello, little one. I see you're feeling better?"

You chirped, nuzzling his face with your own. Geno chuckled at the sight, momentarily looking to the scattering of items you had so unceremoniously dumped in favor of greeting your parent.

"Papa! I-I missed you!" you let out, tears beginning to build in your sockets. They stained the water black, leaking like oil into water.

"Oh, dearest, have I upset you?" he let out with concern, immediately fussing over you as you clung to him, sobbing and hiccupping.

Geno swam closer to the both of you after leaving the crabs in the nest. "He's okay, Reaper," he hummed. "I... think he struggles with the idea of being abandoned and wasn't sure you would really be here. He said something earlier and... well, it doesn't matter. He'll learn we won't leave him with consistency."

Reaper nodded, curious but deciding not to push Geno for details. "So you were scared I wouldn't come back, little Cookie?" he let out. You nodded rapidly, still smooshing your face into his. "I am sorry to have frightened you. You had been asleep for three days due to your injuries... I wasn't sure you would wake up, little one," he admitted.

You tilted your head at the new knowledge. You had slept three whole days? Is that why your wounds had healed so seemingly quickly? Why you weren't so exhausted?

"Hmm... I saw you brought some things home. How about you show papa what you collected?"
You were reluctant to let go. "Promise you won't go away?" you let out, sniffling.

He patted your head. "I'm afraid I cannot promise that. Sometimes I will need to leave to hunt, or to ensure your safety. But I promise that no matter what, I will look for you. And if, for some reason, you disappear, I will search to the ends of the ocean to find you, little Cookie."

You gave a chirp in response, satisfied with his promise. It wasn't quite what you asked, but you understood, and you weren't sad that it was different. "Thankyou papa," you let out, purring as his hold tightened on you for a moment.

Geno smiled. "How about you show papa those pretty rocks? You were so excited when you found them," he suggested.

You nodded, pulling away from Reaper as your enthusiasm returned. Reaper followed down to the nest flooring, watching carefully as you picked up various rocks and shells, showed them to him, then placed them around the nest.

"What about these two, little one?" he hummed curiously at the last few remaining stones.

"Oh! Mama says this is aaa-gatte, and this one is a vol-caa-no rock! They look like you and mama so I wanna keep them," you giggled. "Then this one is pretty and stripy, so I wanted to give it to you!"

He smiled, taking it carefully into his hands when you offered it. "It is beautiful, dear, but not as beautiful as you," he hummed as he planted a kiss onto your skull. You giggled. "I actually have a gift for you too, Cookie. Would you like to see?"

You nodded eagerly. "Yes! Yes!"

Reaper moved towards the darker section of the cave, pulling over with him a small brown satchel. It had two straps, one to go over the hips and the other the shoulders, meaning it could be safely secured whilst swimming.

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