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Joshua: I have a plan.

Minghao: Does it end with us not getting into any trouble?

Joshua: I said I have a plan. Not a miracle.


Minghao: here, take it. It has all my feelings written for you.

Joshua: this says, "You're annoying"

Minghao, snatching it back: sorry, that one is for Hoshi.


Joshua: you think being ignored by your loved one is bad, ever been ignore by your own brain during exam?

Woozi: that's a serious shit.

Minghao: for being ignored you have to study first.


Joshua: Minghao tell a joke?

Minghao: why dinosaurs can't clap?

Joshua: why?

Minghao: because they're dead.

Joshua: Seokmin tell a joke.


Minghao: Oh no.

Joshua: what?

Minghao: I think I've developed an emotional attachment to a human being again.


Joshua: don't talk to me.


Joshua: I'm ignoring you.


Joshua: don't ignore me, I'm ignoring you.


Chan: I wish we could block people in real life.

Joshua: Restraining order.

Minghao: Murder.

Joshua: MINGHAO!!


Joshua: Tell me about yourself.

Minghao: I get jealous when my phone dies.


Mingahao, sliding a photo: I need you to shot this guy in leg.

Joshua: but this is the photo of you.

Minghao: Mingyu and seokmin want me to try Zumba.


So this is it...
I tried very hard to find memes for this ships but this is all I got..
Hope so you'll like it..

And thank you jjjihna for the suggestion of this ship...and sorry if it's not enough...


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