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timeskip to the wedding, maria applied an extra layer of mascara as she finished adding her final touches to her face as she patted down her dress. "you look amazing!" applying blush to her cheeks, lily complimented.

"merci beaucoup!" i thanked her, spraying perfume on my ankles and wrist along with my neck. "you look breathtaking" thibauts dad smiled at me, hugging me.

time flew by and we had all arrived at the hall, "maid of honour it's time!" the music guy quickly informed me. i hugged everyone, before lining up and walking slowly. i was really nervous as there was lots of people here.

maria began walking, with her feet in sync and her dress trailing behind her. her hands were gripped onto the bouquet and everyone had their phones out to record her. charles was also there, staring at her as alexandra grabbed his hand.

i walked down the aisle, with a smile on my face and made my way to my designated area and waited for mishel to walk down. she eventually walked down the aisle, handing me her bouquet as she joined thibaut under the alter.

"i now pronounce you husband and wife!" the priest cheered, as i began clapping whilst fanning my eyes. everyone got up and began cheering loudly, behind me as i passed her bouquet back and followed them to the hall.

"before i start, i want to make a quick speech to some special here!" mishel spoke, getting everyones attention as she adjusted the microphone and began speaking about me...

"I just wanted to say how much I love you Ri, you deserve the moon and the whole world. Especially after what you have been through, I just wanted to say thank you for being there for me..

Thank you for supporting me with my wedding and just being there for me as a bestfriend in general, you really have helped me a lot with my life. You deserve to live a happy life, with a good man and deserve to have your own family..

I can't wait till you start your own little family with the man of your dreams, also he better treat you right before I kill them haha. Anyways, seriously Maria I don't know what to say anymore to you apart from the fact I love you.

I know you're faking your smile because of something, but I don't want you to. So, forget about them and keep your head up my love PS: I'll take you out, so we can get drunk and can forget that bitch! They never deserved you, anyways kisses and love to you!"

Her speech was so cute and emotional, that it made me ball my eyes out. "I love you" I whispered, walking over to her crying as everyone cheered. "Let me do my speech now!" I winked, walking onto the stage whilst holding Mishels hand..

"I don't know where to begin Mishel, you have always been there for me especially when I was at low moments in my life. You've helped me to become a better and happier person, despite the fact I have gotten hurt numerous times.

I love you so much and honestly I couldn't be happier for you, you've married a guy that is in love with you which is so cute. I hope he doesn't break your heart and spoils you, because you deserve it my love.

You have been there for me since we were playing outside, in our little dresses at the age of 3 pretending to get married. I remember how we would tease each other about our crushes in school, and now you're marrying yours.

I'm genuinely heartbroken that you're leaving me to move to Madrid, but I am so happy for you. Also, dw I will always be in Monaco and you have my spare house key so yeah come over when you're bored for free entertainment!"

mishel started crying, i have never seen her cry this much ever. everyone started to aw and to clap as we both engraved each other into a tight hug, "i love you" she whispered as i pecked her cheeks.

"japan gp here we come!" mishel sang, as the f1 anthem played whilst the food arrived. the man placed down a plate of pasta for me as i thanked him, digging into it as i finished it very quickly so i could have dessert.

we had to go up for dessert, but i was too tired to go up as my feet were aching so i slid off my heels. "my legs are too tired to get dessert" i muttered, giggling at thibaut. "what do you want?" he asked as charles appeared.

charles placed down a plate of cheesecake, sweets bag and three jelly shots infront of me. "thank you charles" i looked up at him, giving mishel and thibaut a stare.

"no problem" he replied, smiling at me as i looked away. i finished all of the desserts, then headed over to charles to speak to him about what he done. "charles we need to speak!" i ordered, walking out of the hall and to the trees.

he eventually came, with his top buttons unbuttoned fuck... "why are you doing this?" i asked, leaning on the trees as he came closer. "because i'm sorry" he said, ruffling his hair. "you're clearly not, but please this is unhealthy" i muttered.

"you broke me, you broke us!" i whispered, letting my tears fall as he grabbed my hand. "just go back to alexandra, please" i cried, as the wind blew my hair into my face. "i love you" he whispered, gulping as i grabbed his hand.

HOPELESS , hakim ziyechWhere stories live. Discover now