"I'm cumming...it's been going on, haha, don't stir it up, my stomach is whining...my stomach is so hot, it's going to be bad..."

The ultimate climax caused Mo Chen to suffer a brief brain shutdown. When he regained consciousness, the uterine cavity and colon cavity had collapsed. He curled up subconsciously, and through the tears he saw two black and white penises encircling his breasts and sucking them. .

It wasn't enough for the tentacle vines that fucked him to be filled in both holes, so they branched out into two thinner vines, lingering in the horse's eyes and urine holes.

"Oh... God, please, please have mercy... please take care of me... uh, wu, wu, it's too deep, oh... so scary... I can't go anymore, oh... I'm going to die... no, Don’t interrupt eh eh——!”

Everything that followed was a blur, and it was dark when I regained consciousness.

The few fragmentary scenes he could remember were of ejaculation and semen, and he didn't want to recall them at all.

When he woke up, he didn't want to move, and he lay lazily on the bed.

Beauty is more beautiful when she looks lazy and sleepy.

Tentacles with black spots on the white background sneaked out, trying to touch the beauty.

Mo Chen grabbed it, the tentacles swaying in the palm of his hand. It didn't look like he was struggling, but more like he was jumping for joy and begging for mercy.

"Why isn't it a solid color, huh?" Mo Chen rubbed his tentacles and felt warm in his hands. "I thought you were the messenger sent by the God of Light and the God of Darkness. But now that you look like this, Rather like a monster.”

The two major sects particularly favor pure colors. Pure white and pure black are symbols of light and darkness. Mixing black and white is considered ominous and unclean.

The waving tentacles suddenly stopped stiff and wilted.

They don't know what's going on.

The time spent with the little believers passed so quickly. As soon as they indulged in it and drank a little bit of the cum, the beautiful believers started crying and peeing, but they didn't dislike it and accepted it all.

When the believers fainted from exhaustion and stopped before they had finished, they were horrified to realize that only one head was left!

A head!

Look left and right with your head and look up and down.

Where is the God of Darkness/God of Light? do you died?

Tsk, not dead.

When they first stuck together, they had a strong sense of mutual repulsion. Touching each other's power was as painful as thousands of needles pricking their bodies. Later, it gradually healed and the degree of adhesion became deeper. They each planned to find opportunities to devour the other. .

Between gods and gods, when they reached this point, there was no other way but to fight and devour each other.

They were on guard against each other, and no one made the first move.

Until Mo Chen woke up.

I don’t know who made the first move and formed the tentacles. Judging from the color of the tentacles alone, they are inseparable from each other.

The little believer said that the incarnation of their power was a monster, and his bony hands were still gently kneading the tentacles. He also lifted the quilt, patted the empty space next to him, and asked if he wanted to transform into a human form and sleep with him.

The fate of the group of cannon fodder coveting the protagonist [Quick Travel]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang