chapter 2

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While he's ushering the group back to work, the air is filled with complaints.

"How's that fair?"

"How can Minho stay?"

"What are you gonna do with her?"

"I say chuck her in the slammer, see what she knows"

"C'mon let me stay, will you?"

"If he stays I'm staying too"

"Is she gonna have to work?"

"Send her to wash all our klunk filled undies, that's what women are supposed to do anyway"

"Here, here"

"She shouldn't be allowed to try out for the jobs, she won't be able to handle that difficult work"

"It's not like you do anything, all you do is sit on your ass doing shuck all"

"Shut your holes, or the next break will be cut in half for all of you" the boy in charge threatens, his voice now filled with anger.

"If any of you shuck faces lay a finger on the girl, you'll be spending a night with the grievers" he continues.

A broad shouldered boy leaps into the shaft, causing it to sway side to side, he brushes his blond hair away from his eyes. He approaches me cautiously, with his arms outstretched.

"It's alright" he tries to reassure me, his voice heavily laced with a thick British accent.

"What is this place?" I say slowly, hearing my voice for the first time. It has a slight airy tone, but it also seems like I have a blocked nose which creates a husky sound.

"Can I show you?" He holds out his hand, motioning for me to take it. I only think about it for a second before grasping hold of his hand and he pulls me to my feet with barely any effort.

And for a moment we're standing close enough for me to see the sweat that plaster's strands of his hair to his forehead, his pale skin tinged pink and a few freckles that are faintly speckled across his face.

His thick brows furrow together in worry "You alright, love?" He says concerned, I snap out of my daze and nod, attempting to ignore how close we are but he lets go of my hand and steps away.

"Hey, are you two, lovebirds done admiring each other down there?" I glare upwards and spot a asian boy with a slight smirk staring down at us.

"C'mon, let's see the new green bean" says another.

"M'lady" the boy with a wide smirk playing in his face, crouching in the rim of the box, he offers me his hand and I take it gladly, desperately wanting to escape the horrid stentch.

His biceps almost bulging, it's unnatural to see a teenage boy to have such large and attractive arms at his age.

"I thought you'd be heavier, honestly. So hotstuff... what's your name?" He added.

"Elliegha" I barely think about the answer, my name easily rolls off my tongue, as if I've said it many times before, but I can't remember ever uttering the name.

"Well hotstuff, I'm Minho, I'm practically the most popular boy around here so..." he trails off, as if the introduction is supposed to help me right now.

I rolls my eye "Okay, Mean hoe, I'll bear that in mind if I'm looking for a friend" I say sarcastically, putting more emphasis in the last word.

"Do you remember anything else?" The blond boy walks past me and stands beside Minho, who looks keen to receive an answer but I shake my head. Anything before waking up in the box is only... darkness.

(I thin it's getting more interesting now, I'm gonna make sure I'm posting more often since it's half term!!! Let me know what you think of this chapterrr xx)

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