chapter 1

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Panic. Panic fills my mind, spreading throughout the rest of my body like a disease, blocking out any reasonable thoughts. Replacing good with bad. Where am I? How did i get here? 

Beads of sweat trickle down my temple, nausea fills my stomach and I begin to taste bile at the back of my throat. I take deep breaths while questions continue to attack my mind. 

"Panicking wont do a thing" I whisper, feeling my voice quiver with the rest of my body.

My gaze sweeps the floor, flickering lights illuminates the metal shaft. Battered, wooden crates stacked in the corner as well as a few large hessian sacks, behind is a vast amount of thick rope. 

I sit, crossed legged on the cold floor until my heartbeat have slowed before using the strength in my arms and legs to stand up.

I undo the knots that were tied ever so carefully and peer inside, half a dozen of trainers, vairing in colour fill the sack.

I fall down at a sudden lurch lurch and shuffle backwards on my hands and feet until my back hits the hard metal wall. 

Nothing to help I can only sit there, alone, waiting.

A loud clank rings out above me. Startling a terrified chicken, hidden behind a large section of scratchy cloth.

A horizontal line of light appears across the ceiling as if double doors being forced open and I watch it mesmerised, as it expands. 

All sorts of smells fill my nose. grass, animals, sweat and nature but above all it smells like a farm. 

The sun casts dark shadows on the crowding group above, I shelter my eyes and squint upwards, towards my captors. The word captors comes to the forefront of my mind. with worrying thoughts.

What are they going to do?

Why me?

Who are they?

My vision clears and the silhouettes slowly turns into bodies... a large amount of bodies, surrounding the box.

"Dude, it smells like Gally's feet down there"

"Shut it, shuckface before I snap your neck in half"

"Whoa, chill"

"What the shuck?"

There's a slight pause from everybody above


"Its a girl..."

Their voices hits me like a tidal wave, voices all around, desperate to say something.


"I call dibs"

" Nah, I called it"


"What's she look like"

"She hot?"

"I bet she's fit"

"Newt, pull her up, I wanna see what she looks like"

Newt, what sort of name is that? The name reminds me of the slimey lizards that live in swamps or marshes

"I'm gonna shuck her first"

"No, I will"

"Everybody, shut the shuck up or you'll all be spending a week in the pit" Three boys push to the front, a dark-skinned boy leading first.

"Breaks over, back to your jobs" the boy continues. The way the group obeys his orders make me believe he's the one in charge... and maybe he can answer my questions.

(hey readers, the first chapter is finally completed!!! i know it's short but i guess its just giving you a little taste of the book. PLEASE leave your praises and critiques in the comments- i really want to know what you think of the chapters. Hopefully the chapters will get longer but i cant promise anythinggg <3 but ill try xxx and go follow my account on tiktok: mazedit.s for more details of whats to comeeee!!!! arghh i'm so exited to write this fanfic LOVE YOU LOADSSSSS)

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