Chapter 5: "Chaos, Confrontations, and Confessions"

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As the chaotic brawl unfolded at the lively party, a hushed voice in the background murmured, "The cops have been called, and they're almost here!" Panic rippled through the crowd like a shockwave. Drinks were flung into the air, and vape clouds billowed around the room.

Tanjiro, Inosuke, Genya, and Zenitsu, after a heated confrontation with Gyutaro and his gang, bolted towards an escape route. The boisterous uproar of the partygoers added to the tension in the house.

Tanjiro: (breathing heavily) "We need to get out of here, fast!"

Inosuke: (growling) "Those guys won't forget this, Tanjiro!"

Genya: (panting) "Where are we going? This place is a mess!"

Zenitsu: (shouting) "I can't believe we had to fight at a party! This is crazy!"

The girls, Kano, Aoi, and Makomo, hustled behind the boys, their voices trembling with concern.

Kano: (nervous) "Is everyone okay? We have to stick together!"

Aoi: (worried) "Yeah, we can't afford to get caught by the cops!"

Makomo: (frantic) "Let's find a place to hide and figure out our next move!"

With adrenaline coursing through their veins, Tanjiro and his group raced through the pandemonium, desperate to evade the approaching police and leave behind the chaos of the tumultuous house party.

As the chaos erupted, Gyutaro and his gang, including Karaku, Urogi, Sekido, and Aiztesu, leaped through a nearby window and dispersed. They quickly hopped on their motorcycles, ready to make their escape.

Gyutaro: (realizing) "Wait, where's Ume?"

Karaku: (shouting) "Gyutaro, we need to go! She'll catch up!"

Urogi: (revving his motorcycle) "Yeah, let's move!"

Sekido: (eager) "Don't let the cops catch us, Gyutaro!"

Aiztesu: (nodding) "We can't stay here any longer!"

Gyutaro, growing increasingly irritated, dialed Ume's number and barked into the phone, "Ume, get your ass outside now, we're leaving!"

It turned out that Ume was still inside the Tokito twins' house, upstairs in Muichiro's room. She shouted back on the phone to Gyutaro, "I'm with Nezuko right now. Just go!"

Inside the room, Ume provided comfort to Nezuko, and Muichiro, who was Nezuko's boyfriend, stood by her side. Meanwhile, Yuichiro engaged in a conversation with his friends Sabito, Senjuro, Yushiro, and Takeuchi. They were all visibly agitated about what had happened and now had to deal with the police who had arrived with their big cars flashing red, blue, and white siren lights.

Yuichiro: (frustrated) "We've got to figure out how to slip past those cops."

Sabito: (whispering) "This is a nightmare. We need a plan, and fast."

Senjuro: (nervous) "What if they start questioning us?"

Yushiro: (panicking) "We can't let them catch us."

Takeuchi: (determined) "Let's stay calm and find a way out of here. We can't afford to get caught."

Now, Muichiro and Yuichiro had to confront the dire situation since it was their house, and their parents were not around. Yuichiro ranted passionately about Gyutaro and his gang, venting his anger.

Yuichiro: (furious) "Those punks! They trashed our house, and we'll have to deal with the cops!"

Yushiro and Sabito, not holding back, stepped in to share their blunt perspectives on the entire situation with Gyutaro's gang.

Yushiro: (harshly) "This is absolute madness! They ruined everything!"

Sabito: (angrily) "We can't let them get away with this. We need to take action!"

The rest of the group, Nezuko, Ume, Muichiro, Senjuro, and Takeuchi, listened intently as the conversation unfolded, the severity of the situation sinking in.

In the midst of the tense conversation, Ume was hitting her vape repeatedly, her leg shaking with anxiety. She felt a profound sense of guilt and frustration because she knew that she, her brother, and his friends weren't invited to the twins' party, and yet they had crashed it. The situation was complicated by Aoi, who had been talking shit about Ume right in front of her.

Ume's anger burned inside her because Aoi had been gossiping about her to Kanao and Nezuko. Ume had never really liked Aoi and Kanao, and the fact that Kanao remained quiet about it only fueled her resentment. Adding to her distress, her brother's friend had assaulted her best friend, Nezuko, and Ume wasn't there to protect her when it happened. She carried a heavy burden of guilt, wishing she had pushed Urogi away to rescue Nezuko from Karaku's assault. The weight of the situation was taking a toll on Ume's emotions.

Suddenly, Yuichiro approached Ume, and there was no trace of a happy expression on his face. He was still clearly upset. He asked Ume, "What are you doing here?"

Ume found herself at a loss for words, especially when facing Yuichiro, the person she had her eye on. Then he spoke again, his tone aggressive, "Who invited you? You and your jackass brother and his jackass friends weren't invited."

Ume cared little for insults directed at her brother's friends, but an insult towards her brother was unacceptable. She stepped forward and retorted, "No one invited us. Gyutaro and I overheard it from Nezuko and Tanjiro. And don't you ever insult my brother!"

Yuichiro's response was harsh, "Get the fuck out now." Ume felt a lump in her throat and the threat of tears in her eyes, but there was nothing she could do about it.

However, Nezuko, with red eyes from dried tears, finally spoke up, "Yuichiro, I invited her with me. She came to the party with me, not with Gyutaro and his gang." Her words were a lifeline in that tense moment.

Before Yuichiro could say anything else, the sound of police sirens filled the air, and the cops arrived in the giant front yard at the door. Sensing the urgency, Senjuro spoke up, "The cops are here. We should head downstairs."

In frustration, Yuichiro muttered, "Fuck the cops," and then, along with Senjuro, Yushiro, and Takeuchi, they left the room to go downstairs.

However, as Yuichiro was about to exit, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Ume's hand on his shoulder. Their eyes met, and Ume, tears streaming down her face, said, "I'm coming too. I have to take responsibility. I need to tell them what happened, and I have to give them the identity of one of Gyutaro's friends for what he did to Nezuko."

The gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air, and Ume's determination to do the right thing left a deep impact on Yuichiro.

Yuichiro looked at Ume, his expression skeptical, but after a moment of consideration, he sighed and said, "Fine."

Even though Ume hadn't been personally invited by him and Muichiro, and she had caused some trouble, her loyalty to Nezuko and her willingness to take responsibility swayed him. He decided to let it go.

Ume blushed slightly, feeling relieved, and followed Yuichiro out of the room as they made their way downstairs, ready to face the consequences of the chaotic party.

Leaving the couple Muichiro and Nezuko alone in the room, Muichiro took a hit of his vape while still comforting Nezuko. She spoke up and said to her boyfriend, "I have to go downstairs and talk to the cops," and then she took a hit from her own vape. Muichiro replied, "Let's go whenever you're ready."

Nezuko looked up at Muichiro, her eyes still red from tears, and locked gazes with him. Without hesitation, she initiated a kiss with her boyfriend, leaving him slightly confused but pleasantly surprised. He didn't mind; all that mattered was offering as much comfort as he could to Nezuko.

Nezuko desperately needed this connection, to feel safe and protected by her loved one. She knew she'd have to share the truth with her other friends soon. Fortunately, Ume and Yuichiro, who were already aware that Muichiro and Nezuko were a couple, were understanding and supportive.

After sharing a heartfelt three-minute kiss, the couple, with Muichiro's arm around Nezuko's shoulder, headed downstairs to confront the police alongside the others. And with that, their story came to an end.

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